Can any of this be done indoors?

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Well-known member
Oct 24, 2011
This weekend I would like to process some gold. I know it needs to be boiled in HCl at least twice and then once in distilled water. Then I would make up some AR for dissolving it. I know all this needs to be done outside. I'm no fan of the cold weather here in Maryland, but I'm even less of a fan of being injured or dead. nuff said. Outside, in the cold, the gold will dissolve slowly, but once the reaction is over and all the gold has dissolved, would it then be safe to snap a cover on the reaction bowl and take it inside? Can I drop the gold with SMB indoors? I don't recall anyone saying anything about the smell when dropping gold. I am a huge fan of this forum and take safety as the most important part of any endeavor such as this. You guys and gals are the true experts here and as such, I value your input. If I have to do everything outdoors, once the gold has dropped, would it be okay to snap the lid on the bowl and bring it indoors?
Definitely No.

When using SMB, sulfur dioxide, SO2, is released. It is a toxic, smelly, gagging gas.

After dissolving the gold, the aqua regia solution still releases lots of toxic fumes. Also, it can corrode any steel or aluminum in your house.
Thank you Goldsilverpro. If I attempt this at all, it will be done (shivering) out of doors and covered with a loose fitting lid. Once the gold has been melted, then I will bring it inside to admire it.
Except for storing acids and such in well labled sealed containers where no reaction is taking place causing gassing...
I would have to say NEVER take acids in doors. HCL for example will give off CL gas which can be nasty to deal with.

Destroy your coffee maker and rip the top off it so you only have the burner assembly left. Makes a good warming device for things to work better... And suck it up with the nice weather we're having around these parts. Better to deal with being really cold for a short time then a lifetime of just 1 mistake...just saying... You might plan on a tarp or other water proof cover as it's supposed to be wet for the next couple weeks...Maybe even snow...

Living in Denver, Pa....just north of Maryland...
Thank you. I bought a coffee maker at a yard sale only so I would have a holder for the coffee filters. I will also be able to use the heating part of it. My wife and I used to go to dog shows. We have entered 4 giant schnauzers with one of them earning his championship. Having said that, we also have an easy up and easy down canopy which will keep me dry.

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