Can anyone help for using Sodium thiosulfate

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Feb 13, 2016
Can anyone using Sodium thiosulfate to lenching the gold and how to refining to pure gold. I am using the cell phone board .
2Au+4S2O32-+H2O+ —— O2(gas) ==== 2Au(S2O3)23-+2OH-2, this is i find on Chinese website
The formula you posted is for leaching gold, in that formula you did not have all of the base metal, and other materials you would find in the cell phone scrap, it would not be that simple.

In recovery and refining of metals, there is many things that can complicate or go wrong, there are certain things you will need to know and do before you can become successful in getting the gold out and making it pure, there are many dangers involved in the many different processes, or steps needed, these dangers pose a threat to you and many others who come into contact with the wastes generated, study is the only way to learn how to recover and refine these metals safely.

The information you need to learn is here on the forum, as you study and learn about it, members here can then help you, it is hard to help a person who does not know anything about what we discuss, the person has to learn enough of the subject, to know what questions to ask to help him gain more understanding, or help when he runs into a wall or a problem and needs help with that education...

There are many things you may see or read about on the internet, many times written by people with no or very little knowledge of the subject, following that kind of advice can be dangerous or just a waist of your time leading you to chasing your tail losing gold in doing something very dangerous to you and those around you.

Forget for now what you have read, or seen in some video on the intranet, study to learn for yourself, that is the only way you will get the real education you need to do this successfully and safely.

Welcome to the forum the best place in the world to learn the complicated skill, a skill that before this forum, was held secret to most of mankind,those who knew the art and skill did not want others to learn it, or they did not share the knowledge as their life may have depend on them being the only one with that knowledge and skill, many times very little was ever told of the secrets of the skill, the knowledge was held secret, only portions were told of, or showed how it was done without giving enough information for any one else to be able to do it, or was shrouded in mystery or misinformation, or even shrouded in mystery or magic, so that others would not discovery the true art or science of recovery and refining of those precious metals.
This forum has opened the book of secrets for you, you just need to study it.
this way is non toxic and low price, but in the finally I dont know how to refining to gold . just got the solution now
In a technical paper I found, they make mention of this:
"One alternative is to use cementation, as in the Merrill Crowe process, and this is the
approach that has been adopted by Wan et al. (1993, 1994). They used cementation
on copper powder rather than the more common zinc powder, because the copper cations that are
released into solution during the gold reduction reaction are one of the ingredients of the thiosulphate
leaching process."

In this study:

The conclusion was a very low recovery rate of gold and silver from cell phone boards with thiosufate.
I loved this thread, Jeff! I hope this method will be further examined and approved by more refiners.

last post:
"• In the case of PCB granules, 56.7% gold could be leached under the optimised conditions viz., ammonium thiosulfate: 0.1M, copper sulfate: 40mM, pulp density: 10g/L, pH: 10-10.5, stirring speed: 250 rpm at room temperature in 8h time duration.
• In case of complete PCB unit the maximum gold leaching was 78.8% at thiosulfate: 0.1M, copper sulfate: 40mM, pH: 10-10.5, stirring speed: 250 rpm at room temperature in 8h time duration."

...complete pcbs ~80% recovery of exposed gold without any effort (and without cyanide) would be nice

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