Can Anyone tell me what went wrong with this AR?

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Aug 15, 2012
Hello all my name is brandon kelly is my soon to be wife so I mix our names as my user name. I have been reading hoke, and any other litature I can get my hands on. I've been reading all over the forum here, but havent seen a problem like I have here so thought Id finally ask someone.

A few good buddys of mine was telling me how they use a precipitant called storm to drop there gold, and they got a better yield than using metabisulphite. So i thought I'd give it a try I started out with 6 ounces 23 - 24 karat pins, and connectors in a auqa regia bath.

After it got hot at low boil It put off a bad amonia type smell. is that normal?

1st pic is what batch looked like in the flask at bottom theres like a tan type mud looking stuff then on top of it theres like a mushy crystal looking stuff then the remaining liquid is still a emarald greenish looking more darker than when 1st started.

2nd pic is a close up of what it looks like

3rd pic is a even closer shot

4th pic is a shot looking down into the flask you can see the blueish greenish crystal mush stuff

5th is pic of some the crystal mush I pulled out on a measuring spoon.

And i apolagize to anyone If this post and pics are in wrong spot if they are will someone please move, and advise me!

This whole batch has me bum fuzzled I've never seen a AR do this, but it's first time I've ever used storm precipitant.

Is all this normal using storm? i sure hope someone can tell me that my gold is still saveable ill never use this stuff again. I followed directions on the bag, and even my buddies said use 1 1/2 tablespoons for every ounce disolved metal.

Any help is greatly appreciated the utmost.


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I live in country and we took a spare room at end of house turned it in to a work shop kinda the hutch you see is just a old one we left in there I keep odd and end stuff in junk more less. Dont worry its not in house the shop room looks like it cause we never really moved anything out just good stuff. We are in process now taking a wall out adding set of doors then maybe ill change some the stuff around make it look more shoppy.
thers so many things wrong here. first, forget the crystals, did you test the solution with stannous chloride to see if gold was in solution before you tried to drop the gold? when you tried to dissolve the "23-24 karat" pins, was there any metal left? start out by telling what material you started with (what equipment did it come from) and any other information about the composition of the starting material you can think of.
Brandon/kelly said:
Hello all my name is brandon kelly is my soon to be wife so I mix our names as my user name. I have been reading hoke, and any other litature I can get my hands on. I've been reading all over the forum here, but havent seen a problem like I have here so thought Id finally ask someone.

WELCOME to the forum. And Congratulations.

A few good buddys of mine was telling me how they use a precipitant called storm to drop there gold, and they got a better yield than using metabisulphite. So i thought I'd give it a try I started out with 6 ounces 23 - 24 karat pins, and connectors in a auqa regia bath.

Your Storm Precipitant, I believe, and could be wrong, is Sodium bisulfite, Sodium hydrogen sulphite.

After it got hot at low boil It put off a bad amonia type smell. is that normal?

You should not boil your solution, not ever. You also shouldn't be dissolving anything indoors without a fume hood, and even then it should be totally separate from your house. You do not want to breath in the gases that this process creates. AR, as it dissolves metals, produces NOx gas, a brown rusty red looking gas that can kill you if you breath it in. This is extremely important, you might also be affecting people around you. You should only dissolve things in AR either under a fume hood, or outside in a well ventilated area, upwind from the reaction.

1st pic is what batch looked like in the flask at bottom theres like a tan type mud looking stuff then on top of it theres like a mushy crystal looking stuff then the remaining liquid is still a emarald greenish looking more darker than when 1st started.

The tan type mud on the bottom is probably your Au (gold). It should be heavier than whatever other solids you have in your solution, and thus it should sink to the bottom. There are a few questions I have however about the other things, and what they might be. First, the green crystals/sludge should be Cu (copper). Your solution does not have enough liquid to take all the copper into solution, so it starts making crystals as soon as your solution cools down.

Did you soak your pins in HCl to dissolve any Sn (Tin)? If you did not, the tin probably dissolved and created metastannic acid, that would explain the white material. If the solder had silver in it, which a lot of electronic solder does, you might also have Ag (silver).

The reason your solution changes colors is because AR attacked whatever was on the outside of the gold plate (solder?) then the gold plate which would make your solution yellowish, but at the same time you are dissolving copper underneath which would start turning your solution a light emerald green, until everything is dissolved then your solution would, since you don't have enough solution, turn dark green in color. That is normal and nothing to worry about.

2nd pic is a close up of what it looks like

I think the green crystal like material sludge in your solution is copper, and if you add more water, I believe it should readily dissolve without issue.

3rd pic is a even closer shot

How much precipitant did you use? The white material might be the Sn (tin) I mentioned above, but it also might be too much precipitant.

4th pic is a shot looking down into the flask you can see the blueish greenish crystal mush stuff

Add water, hopefully this dissolves the sludge/crystal Cu (copper)

5th is pic of some the crystal mush I pulled out on a measuring spoon.

If you could provide better pictures, someone might be able to identify what you have in your filtering flask. I am taking a stab at it, and assuming what I see in your pictures are certain things that might be associated with gold plated pins, but I could be wrong about any of it. Please keep this in mind.

The white material might be tin, or it could be tin/silver solder if you didn't use HCl before dissolving them in AP.

And i apolagize to anyone If this post and pics are in wrong spot if they are will someone please move, and advise me!

Posting pictures is more than acceptable, it's encouraged, no worries on that count.

This whole batch has me bum fuzzled I've never seen a AR do this, but it's first time I've ever used storm precipitant.

You might have several things going on, can you give us more information about your pre-process? Did you soak in HCl? Did you prepare your pins in any other way?

Is all this normal using storm? i sure hope someone can tell me that my gold is still saveable ill never use this stuff again. I followed directions on the bag, and even my buddies said use 1 1/2 tablespoons for every ounce disolved metal.

You will find people here on the forum do not generally have any appreciation for the iShor system. You can try to ask them for help, but you would be hard pressed to get a viable answer back. I think maybe you put too much precipitant into your solution. You don't put 1 1/2 tablespoons for every ounce you put into solution, you match the amount of precipitant with the EXPECTED gold yield. If you are not sure what that is, then you should make small additions and observe the reaction until you see that you are having no more reaction, then test with Stannous Chloride to insure you dropped all the Au (gold).

Any help is greatly appreciated the utmost.

You should make a batch of Stannous Chloride, so that you are able to test for gold content.

Also, you might want to make a standard solution of gold so that you can test Stannous Chloride against it, and the results from your solution.

Did you incinerate your material before digesting in AR? This will burn off any organic materials or oils, etc. This is an important step with material that is dirty. If you were dissolving your material in AR, and there is any solder or other base metals suspected of being present, you should soak your material in HCl, and maybe after a thorough washing, soak in HNO3. By cleaning your material before AR digestion, you will save yourself a lot of hassle later in your process.

Remember, don't toss any solution or material, all could potentially contain values. So long as you don't toss anything, you can recover it. Your Au (gold) isn't lost, it's just misplaced.

You also might want to think about using AP or a sulfuric stripping cell to recover the Au from your pins, with Sulfuric Cell probably being the best. Barring that, if you don't have the ability to use either of these methods. You should, after your material is clean, do a Nitric Acid soak. This will dissolve the copper, and leave you with only the gold foils with maybe a little copper. The more copper you rid your pins of in this way, the less AR you will have to use for the gold foils produced by dissolve the copper. Then you filter off the gold foils and digest in AR.

I hope what I posted helps, if someone reading this finds fault in my post, please feel free to correct me.

Im sorry geo I should have known by just reading here to start from begining. Ok 1st pic I have over 20 pounds these vintage HP gold plated pins from a logic boards tester blocks I bought from a friend I used 4 ounces these they test above 22k friend says there 24k. The 2nd pic I have over 40+ pounds these High Grade Connector Parts they test above 22k friend told me they were 23k when he bought few truck loads I used 2 ounces these.

Ok when i started i soaked in Hcl 32% 120ml every oz for a lil over a hour then I slowly started adding my nitric 70% about 30ml every oz let it completely eat everything there was nothing left let set few hours. I started all this in a 2000ml flask but as I started loseing liquid evap ect I transfered to smaller flask the way i did the AR is way I have always done, and I have be honest it always turned out great when I used metabisulphite to drop gold. this is 1st time ever using storm now Im not sure what to do.

I filtered everything 3 times after killing the nitric with urea when I was done collecting all the white sludge from the bottom all was left was a beautiful flask dark emerald liquid nothing in bottom no where if you held to a light you could see clean through it. Only reason i did a very light boil between warm, and low was i was using the storm I knew nothing about it other than what i was told.

Ill try to strain, and separate then take pics see if I can get better ones my camera isnt the best of one.

Hey Palladium I've been reading hoke bud I realize that is almost mandatory I'm just one that can't stand set more than about 2 hours I get fidgety my legs start going numb then feels like bugs are crawling inside me it really does I guess it's the pinched nerves.

So the mud stuff would I let that dry like regular since I used storm? I wish I'd just kept doing way I've always did AP & AR was my most liked methods out ones I've tryed.

Hope this helps a lil more guys.


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For those pins you should look into using the sulphuric cell. Try "sulfuric cell" spelling in the search box also.

ok, first, you need to test the solution thats left.separate any solids from the solution and incinerate the solids (white crystals and any mud). this will drive off any excess nitrates and help oxidize the zinc and copper crystals so it can be dealt with. after its incinerated, grind it to a powder and screen as small as you can and grind any that wont screen and screen it again until its all ground up. do a hard boil in hcl. if the hcl turns dark, let everything settle, decant and repeat. repeat as many times as it takes to have clear solution after the boil. follow with a boil in water,let everything settle and decant. repeat this boil until the water remains clear after the boil.dissolve any remaining powder with the reagents of your choice (personally,i would use hcl/Cl and avoid the nitric on these powders). let everything settle and filter leaving solids behind in the flask. precipitate with SMB.
Both of them, pins and connectors are gold plated only. Not solid gold. You did experiment with 6 ounces - you will have problem to find gold there. Not much of it in 6 ounces of these connectors and pins.

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