Can we use Sodium Cyanide to drop gold in AR? Help plz

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New member
Aug 11, 2014
i tried several times with SMB but i want to know if we can use Sodium Cyanide for dropping the gold in AR or not?? if Yes then whats the procedure to use it.
Help out please.
STOP, please never ever combine acid and cyanide it produces toxic and deadly gas HCN, use copperas.

Assuming you evaporated the gold chloride solution well, you could introduce cyanide (it must be done properly, which I am not going to discuss), but it doesn't precipitate the gold---if just forms gold cyanide. I've done it in preparation of a plating solution with very good results. Plated this spike with the gold. A nickel barrier was plated before the gold was applied. The color of the plating is quite good, so don't judge by the photo, which leans towards green.

Gold spike.JPG

Combining acid and cyanide is a recipe for death. I strongly suggest you put you're project on the back burner and start reading, so you have a better understanding of what you're doing. Download Hoke's book and read it. Read it again. Don't stop until you understand what she teaches. By doing so, you won't have questions like the one you presented here, which shows you have a lack of understanding, and are in risk of harming yourself or others.

kjavanb123 said:
STOP, please never ever combine acid and cyanide it produces toxic and deadly gas HCN, use copperas.


What Kevin said :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: --- mixing acid & cyanide produces not just a toxic gas --- but a DEADLY gas

Harold_V said:
Combining acid and cyanide is a recipe for death. I strongly suggest you put you're project on the back burner and start reading, so you have a better understanding of what you're doing. Download Hoke's book and read it. Read it again. Don't stop until you understand what she teaches. By doing so, you won't have questions like the one you presented here, which shows you have a lack of understanding, and are in risk of harming yourself or others.


What Harold said - both about the recipe for death - & the fact that you need to start doing a lot of research - the very fact that you suggested mixing acid & cyanide shows you don't know &/or understand enough about this to be doing it before doing "a LOT" more research

newkingofawan said:
i tried several times with SMB but i want to know if we can use Sodium Cyanide for dropping the gold in AR or not?? if Yes then whats the procedure to use it.
Help out please.

Just so I may learn something I have a query: Why on Earth would you want to do this when SMB works just fine & is easily available?
Can you answer that with a reasonable acceptable answer?


I think your problem is that you do not know how to use aqua regia, when or why.
The problem can also be with knowing how it reacts with other metals, or even knowing how to pretreat your scrap before using aqua regia, and then knowing how to deNOx the solution if you do use more nitric acid than needed, or understanding many of other details of this process.

Basically I do not think you really know much of anything about recovery or refining of precious metals, It seems you have read a few things and think it is some simple process of dissolving metals and precipitating them out.

From your post it sounds like you have just learned enough to be able to kill yourself, and need to learn a heck of a lot more.

There is an awful lot of learning that needs to be done, to learn to recover metals and to refining them.

What seems simple to the uneducated person in this art, is seen by those who learn it, to be very complicated.
Actually it can seem to be fairly simple once you understand the basic principles and the many details involved, but then again it is still a very complicated science, and art.

Sodium metabisulfite, or ferrous sulfate (copperas) are both good precipitants to use, there are several others that will work to precipitate gold, but without knowing the details of recovery or refining, you will have problems with any of these.

Basically your problem is you need to learn to recover gold and refine it, learn the basic principles to get an education in all of the processes involved, it is not as simple as dissolving a bunch of metals into the king of acids and getting gold back out, there are a lot of details you will need to understand.

You need to study Hoke's book, and the forum, to learn the basic principles of recovery and refining.
the advice for you to stop using chemicals at this point is sound advice, listening to this advice will save you from loosing your gold, and could help keep you from harming yourself or others, until you learn more about the dangers involved in working with chemistry of metals, and get a better understanding of how to deal with these dangers. or prevent them.

Along with Hoke's book study the forum, and the safety section, and dealing with waste.
it sounds like you have a lot to learn, before you are ready to use aqua regia, and after you do spend time learning, you may even find you do not even need aqua regia to get the job done, with what you are trying to do.

You do not need a different chemical precipitant, you need to spend the time to gain an education.

This will take a lot of work and time on your part, but if this is a skill you really wish to learn it will be well worth the effort, like many skills this is something you can spend lifetimes learning and getting better at.
But the first step is gaining an understanding of the basic principles involved, which everything else is basically based on, this is why Hoke's book is so highly recommended reading on the forum, it will help you learn many of these basic principles.

This is also very dangerous chemistry we deal with, you must educate yourself in these dangers, and gain an understanding of them, to learn to protect yourself and others.

Luckily with the forum, and all of the information it provides, and helpful members, you have found a great place to learn this art and skill, if that is what you are willing to spend a lot of your time and energy to learn.

Welcome to the forum, I hope this helps you get started off in the right direction.
Education is the key to success.
Please STOP right now. Put everything aside. Your gold will not run away. Your gold will not disappear. It will stay right where you leave it. Then read.

At no time did I see where you DeNoxxed your solution. If you don't get rid of ALL the excess nitric, it will cause the gold to re-dissolve back into solution.

You did not mention testing with stannous chloride. Without that test, you don't know even IF you have any gold in the solution.

Instead, you jumped to the conclusion of using, of all things, one of the most deadly substances on earth. Read Hoke. Read it a second time. Read it until you understand what she is teaching. Read the forum. We have all had the same problem which you describe. It has been questioned and answered many numerous times right here on the forum.

I fear for your life and the life of those around you. I fear that you will not wait for the answer to your problems and that you will just jump into something which you know nothing about. I fear we will be reading about you in the newspapers or hearing about you on the nightly news on TV. I sincerely hope I am wrong.
I wonder if the fact that he hasn't made a 2nd post is a testament to the possibility that he may tried it anyways. :shock:
Palladium said:
I wonder if the fact that he hasn't made a 2nd post is a testament to the possibility that he may tried it anyways. :shock:

I hope not!
....but I do think that happens a lot. :|
Not necessarily to people here on the forum, but people trying to recover Gold using some crazy video or instructions they found on the internet.
People are in a hurry. Patience is something that is being lost in our society today. Like the others here on the forum, I sincerely hope he is alive and well. Once something like this happens, you never know when big brother could come knocking on the doors of every forum member.

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