It had been established before, that AgCl does exist in equilibrium (i.e - solute and solid) in hot HCl or even cold but oxidizing HCl based solutions, such as AP or AR.
The warmer it get's, the more AgCl will be in solution.
With that said, used AP solutions tend to get saturated with BM's, mostly Cu,Ni,Pb ans Sn, therefore i doubt the a used AP (dark green) solution will hold Silver to any appreciable extent.
You could try and cool it to 5C (41 F) for the night and see if anything does precipitate...
Some PbCl2 will also crystallize in the cold as semitranslucent needle like apperance.
AgCl usually forms fine white/graying powder.
CuCl (I) may also precipitate if too saturated with Cu.