jharville11, the fertilizer kit you have, may work, but you can learn from the forum better techniques, one of the processes here uses the same fertilizers as the shore kit does, and on the forum you can learn where it is useful and where it is not, for fingers you would be better off using the copper II chloride leach (acid peroxide, HCl/3% hydrogen peroxide, AP are other names used for it) to recover gold foils, then you can use hydrochloric acid and household bleach, HCl/NaClO (sodium hypochlorite, bleach or Clorox) to dissolve the foils, after eliminating free chlorine gas you can use on of the several chemicals to precipitate your gold sodium metabisulfite, ferrous sulfate or others.
Our instructions will take a little longer than reading the Shor brochure, but it will not cost you as much and I would bet the results would be better.
Start your study with welcome to new member and the general reaction list, Hokes book, Laser Steves web site, dealing with waste, and reading through the forum.