cell and sulfuric concentration

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Well-known member
Oct 7, 2009
i was searching here and coldn't figur out...

1. does 95% sulfuric acid is ok for using the cell or should it be lower/higher?

2. what is the glycerin for? and what concentration i should use?

3. how do i determine when the cell is saturated enough to start the dilution and and washing?

4. at what voltage should the cell run on? 6 DC , 9 DC, 12 DC ?

if someone cell help with answers or point me out to a relevant post i'll be very thankful

good day, SAMUEL
1. does 95% sulfuric acid is ok for using the cell or should it be lower/higher?
95% should be OK. If it strips too slowly, you could add about 3% water, by volume. Add the acid to the water to prevent splattering.

2. what is the glycerin for? and what concentration i should use?
You don't need any glycerin

3. how do i determine when the cell is saturated enough to start the dilution and and washing?
Under normal circumstances, the amperage will go to zero when all the gold has been stripped. At some point, a large amount of gold powder floating around will cause a partial short and the amperage will not go to zero. At this point, it is time to harvest the gold.

4. at what voltage should the cell run on? 6 DC , 9 DC, 12 DC ?
About any voltage will work but I would probably use 6 volts, in order to prevent overheating of the solution.
Thank you Chris for your quick answer.

finally, i'v got 97% sulfuric acid, from what you are saing, diluting the acid to aroud 91-92% is better?
(isn't the acid react violently with water?)

i'v got some glycerin anyway, i saw on steve's video that he uses some... maybe he can shed some lite on this sobject.

BTW, i have built a small copper cradle for the pins, on some parts, i have a very thin wires wraped arount the cradle, do you think ther's any chance they will dissolve dou to heat or the acid ?

Thanks again
With 97% H2SO4, I would add 5% water, by volume. Measure out the water, add the acid to the water, and then carefully stir. It will heat up somewhat, as a result. Be careful and steady when you do this and wear gloves and a full face shield. Don't add the water to the acid because it will create localized boiling and will splatter. When diluting H2SO4, always add the acid to the water.

I don't think that Steve uses glycerin any longer. Some people say that it improves the settling. I have never seen need for it.

The wires may dissolve if they're very thin. I would use heavier wires and try to keep the temp below about 110 F. The higher the amperage, the hotter it will get, and the greater the chance of dissolving copper..

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