Ceramic CPUs in bulk.

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Nice pile. I used to work with these quantities in the past. Ceramic stuff through jaw crusher (or hammer + FFP2 mask + few hours of manual work), fiber to the incinerator+then ashes to the induction+quicklime... Same with the fingers. It was very nice to work with lots of 10+kg, the resulting gold melt was always nice to hold in the hand :)
יש סוחר שמציע לי מעבדי קרמיקה ב-7 דולר לקילו והוא קובע שיש 5 גרם זהב בכל קילו. זה נראה אמין?
יש סוחר שמציע לי מעבדי קרמיקה ב-7 דולר לקילו והוא קובע שיש 5 גרם זהב בכל קילו. זה נראה אמין?
"There is a dealer who offers me ceramic processors for 7 dollars per kilo and he states that there are 5 grams of gold in each kilo. Does it look believable?"
With Gold teetering around $80 a gram you are being offered $400 worth of gold for $7? For 7 bucks I would buy a test kilo. Even if it's half true I would show up with my pickup for a full load.
"There is a dealer who offers me ceramic processors for 7 dollars per kilo and he states that there are 5 grams of gold in each kilo. Does it look believable?"
The only that would be believable would be if the seller is a complete twit. After all sensible people don't give away their gold.
Lol wtf. I’m on a refining site asking for products to refine so I can make some money. There’s other places to get them besides china and Russia. For example the largest resource would be India, but they don’t do small orders. I also get antsy about giving 10k to someone half way across the world with out any insurance that I’m gonna get the product. I was looking for someone in the states that has them here already.
Hi Wonka, which country are you located....if it is not a secret? you can PM me with your answer.


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