concentrated sulfuric acid

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Hello Mikael , how are tricks?
I hope your well!
I'm no mathmagician , but this is how I'd approach this one ;
We know that there are 1000ml's in a liter , 37% of 1000 is 370 = 370ml concentrated sulfuric per liter of 37% sulfuric.
2% of 370 is 7.4 , 370 - 7.4 = 362.6ml (98% sulfuric acid).
As I say I'm not great with numbers so I could be miles off , but I hope I'm not and it can help you some!
All the best with it , and kind regards ,
Chris :mrgreen:

(Edited for acuracy :roll: :lol: )
Kuma, your mathemagic seems correct. Does the weight/weight vs vol/vol issue come into effect here? In other words, is the sulphuric @ 37% by weight or volume. Does it matter? I am not sure.
According to a chart on the internet, at 60F, the specific gravity of 37% H2SO4 is about 1.283 and that of 98% H2SO4 is about 1.843. Therefore, a liter of 37% weighs 1283g and it contains 1283 x .37 = 475g of H2SO4. A liter of 98% weighs 1843g and contains 1843 x .98 = 1806g of H2SO4 and 1843 x .02 = 37g of water.

Therefore, a liter of 37%, evaporated to 98%, will contain (475/1806) x 1000 = 263 ml of sulfuric + 10 ml of water = 273 ml total volume. Note: The 10ml (10g) of water came from (475/1806) x 37g

There are some slight errors in this because I had to extrapolate some of the numbers. I believe the answer to be quite close, however. Please tell me if you think I used the wrong logic. This stuff is simple but confusing. I could have easily screwed up.
Hello guy's , how are tricks?
I hope your well!
glondor said:
Does the weight/weight vs vol/vol issue come into effect here? In other words, is the sulphuric @ 37% by weight or volume. Does it matter? I am not sure.
I forgot about that little chestnut , I remember the discussion over peroxide , :lol:
goldsilverpro said:
This stuff is simple but confusing. I could have easily screwed up.
I had a go at trying to work it out taking into account specific gravity after reading Glondors post above.
It was a no-go , :lol:
All the best for now , and kind regards ,
Chris :mrgreen:
in layman terms, without being too specific and also being very general in terms, is it safe to say at 37% you can evaporate to 1/3 to make suitable electrolyte?
Hello GRF-

I am building a theoretical cell design that I have come up with and will be running some tests over the next several days so any known controls that can be confirmed will be very helpful. I am actually an entrepreneur in Chicago, I have several successful businesses here, refining is a hobby and I am back in school now for chemical engineering and industrial engineering as my degree in business and digital cinema doesn't fit with what I want from life.

-Can someone recommend the optimal concentration of sulfuric acid for a stripping cell?
-Is there going to be a benefit to buy high quality concentrated acid from a supplier or will the acid quality not affect the end results?
-Is there an optimal temperature for the acid while working in the cell?
-Has anyone found that a cells ability to work is helped/hindered by a larger or smaller container or depth of container or is there a rule of thumb for quantity of material to volume of acid?
-Is there advantages to using copper mesh vs other metals meshed?
-has anyone experimented with the effects of UV light and the sulfuric cell?
-Is there any other known solutions that can substitute h2so4?

Any thoughts are much appreciated!

On a completely separate note if anyone on the forum has specific video/tutorials that they would like made for the forum please do reach out. I know a lot of videos are dated, not edited well, etc. but carry vital information. I have 11 yrs of video in my pocket and have worked w dozens of influential ppl and companies including Elton John, the black eyed peas and the Miami heat..this is not a service ad but rather me offering everyone who uses this site a means to produce high quality professional videos. Anything I make will be FOR the forum and free of charge. Seeing is believing.

I don't think this forum would exist w/o guys like lazersteve (and many others) and him going beyond the call of duty to produce vids n tutorials for the world to see. So thank you guys for all you do here.

Best regards-
This is a list of some of the sulfuric acid types I have ready access to but really not sure what's optimal...any thoughts?


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Just go to the hardware store and buy some 98% sulfuric acid sewer or pipe drain cleaner.

Another option you can get more a more pure 32% sulfuric battery acid electrolyte for lead acid automotive battery at an auto parts store like NAPA and evaporate it down to 98% evaporate off water (to about 1/3 volume until a white gas of SO2 gas fumes off, sulfuric has a very high boiling point, so it is hard to boil off acid, but the water is easy to vapor off.

Quote from GSP on calculating H2SO4:
Concentrating 37% H2SO3 to 98%
According to a chart on the Internet, at 60F, the specific gravity of 37% H2SO4 is about 1.283 and that of 98% H2SO4 is about 1.843. Therefore, a liter of 37% weighs 1283g and it contains 1283 x .37 = 475g of H2SO4. A liter of 98% weighs 1843g and contains 1843 x .98 = 1806g of H2SO4 and 1843 x .02 = 37g of water.

Therefore, a liter of 37%, evaporated to 98%, will contain (475/1806) x 1000 = 263 ml of sulfuric + 10 ml of water = 273 ml total volume. Note: The 10ml (10g) of water came from (475/1806) x 37g

With the cell you will need concentrated sulfuric acid, sulfuric acid will absorb water easily even water from the air, water is detrimental to the cells operation, keeping the cell covered when not in use can help to keep your concentrated acid from becoming dilute, at times you may need to re-concentrate the acid to remove water, this can be a very dangerous procedure, which should be well understood before attempting, in fact it is so dangerous we here on the forum are reluctant to discuss it, for fear someone will try it without proper precaution and study (look at all of the things newby's try with no understanding of what kind of dangers are involved, or no Idea of how to perform the process).

CAUTION hot sulfuric acid is very dangerous, especially worse the more hot and concentrated, so unless you, understand all of the safety precautions of this operation, have and use full protection of safety gear, and understand the proper use of lab-ware that will not break during the process, and understand how to use it, you should not try this process, as the burns from this hot sulfuric acid can cripple a person for life.

It can burn a man alive to ashes.

A member asked me to post a warning concerning the pictures in the link below,the acid is very dangerous to show this I posted the Google images search on sulfuric acid burns, warning they are graphic, If seeing what can happen when dealing with hot concentrated sulfuric acid is so terrible you may not want to look at these picture, because they do show how this acid can burn.,or.r_qf.&biw=1024&bih=594&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=KYBUUfDxKaGwiQKl5IDwDw#um=1&hl=en&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=sulfuric+acid+burns&oq=sulfuric+acid+burns&gs_l=img.3..0l10.2031.14391.0.17038.,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.44442042,d.cGE&fp=7b8de84c32404c4a&biw=1024&bih=594
You could buy 98% H2SO4 from a lab supplier but you would pay be paying a higher price for a pure acid reagent grade that is not really necessary
Geo said:
in layman terms, without being too specific and also being very general in terms, is it safe to say at 37% you can evaporate to 1/3 to make suitable electrolyte?

A solution for this problem could be to use a hydrometer, thermometer and tables for sulfuric acids specific gravity in order to measure the concentration recently or maybe permanenty.This would work as long as the acid is more or less pure, but maybe som salts will cumulate in it. That could distort your calculations as described above, too.
I use a small graduated cylinder and electronic scale to determine the specific gravity of sulfuric acid concentrated from battery acid.

Heating battery acid to concentrate it can be very hazardous. As the sulfuric acid becomes more concentrated the viscosity increases and it may "bump" or boil up right out of the flask or beaker. To avoid this, boiling chips may be added but a better way is to use an aquarium pump and bubble air through the acid during the entire concentration process.
after its been used in the stripping cell, its hard to remove the nickel. it has to be diluted to well above double its volume and then evaporated back to a concentrated state. most metals will precipitate out as its metal sulfides and sulfates.

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