confused about ap drop?

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Well-known member
Sep 18, 2012
a couple of days ago i drained out another lot of ap foils and some powder that had come of of the same boards put it through some filters and had black mud speckled with gold foils.
washed that with water a couple of times,then hcl twice then dissolved it in hcl and bleach.
left that for about 4 hours then drained it through a filter to get rid bits of solder mask and any other foreighn bodies then added some water to dilute it a bit.
i precipitated the gold out with ferrous sulphate and within seconds it when a very cloudy brown colour and started to settle.
left it alone for about 24 hours and had settled at about 2 to 3 mill all the way across the bottom of a 1000ml glass beaker.
fantastic i thought finally ive cracked it.
now comes the funny part i then drained this solution through a filter and came back after an hour and the filter was stained slightly brown and the vast majority of the brown solution had gone through the filter and in the hour it had been left had settled on the bottom once again?
whats happening people...any ideas?


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when you say system do you mean acid peroxide or ar?if so im using ap but to start with i was using 9% peroxide so at the begining i was having the situation where the foils were comming off and turning into black powder but some foils did come off as gold as i diluted it down somewhat with water to lower the percentage if you see wha i mean.
so from being quite dark it went back to a nice emerald colour.
Tell me when you say filter what kind of filter media are you using. Charmin plug, coffee filters, buchner funnel with or without vacuum. I see the drip part you said now so i assume gravity filtering?
What type and size filter papers? And when you say it got through the filter paper are you talking about just the fine stuff or the fine and course stuff both? Are you pouring all your gold into the filter or just the bit that might escape from pouring off the solution?
this is what i dont get,all the videos ive watched show really clumpy brown precipitate that looks i know deep in my heart its gold,because one minute i had a greeny yellow clear fluid and when i added the ferrous to the mix the colours changed in exactly the same way as the laser steve vids and various you tube clips.
but the powder which is deffinately powder is really fine.
i had it boiled right down earlier but my partner was moaning about the kitchen door open and extractor fan on and a slight odour.
so i filtered it again and the same happened again.
Let it sit over night and then lightly pour off what you can without losing any. Redissolve it and drop it again from a concentrated solution. It will clump together real nicely. You will see the difference in grain structure of the gold and it will be a whole lot easier to deal with after that. I always drop my gold twice no matter what, sometimes more if i'm trying for top end quality.
Not to be hard but if you want to learn and in order for us to help you when people ask direct questions they need direct answers. You still have not answered what i ask about the filters and if your pouring you gold into them to catch the gold or just to catch anything that might escape.
well theres nothing in there now i need apart from the gold yes to save the solids(gold)and be rid of the waste fluid.
Your partner should run for her (or his) life. If you use HCl/Cl and SMB in kitchen you are (very mildly said) crazy.
Your extractor fan is not even close to keep you safe and you just contaminated whole kitchen. Good luck to you every time when you will be preparing your food there.

Now that question again, what type of filter did you use?
How easy did the solution go through the filter, what color was the solution before you tried to precipitate the gold? Was it a clear yellow solution? From the green color, I suspect you have iron, from the foggy liquid something else insoluble, like tin or silver.

There is an awful lot of powders there, how much material did you process were these clean part or circuit boards with all kinds of metals involved?

I would decant the solution (adding liquids from the process below), and test it with stannous chloride and treat it accordingly.
I would wash the powders well in boiling hot water, bring them to neutral with dilute NaOH sodium hydroxide wash and rinse out salts well, incinerate the powder red hot, keeping the powders broken or ground up fine, stirring while red hot to get good air exposure, cool and then boil in HCl, add just a little water and let powder settle well before you decant liquid, but decant while the liquid is still very warm, give them boiling hot water washes till the water comes out clear, decanting while the liquid was still very hot, then re-dissolve in HCl/NaClO (bleach), heat to remove chlorine gas and then precipitate the gold again.
these are the filters im using,
The Edu-Lab Filter Paper 125mm (Pack of 100) is high quality filter paper, widely used for qualitative analysis. Ideal laboratory resource for schools.
and ive got to say if yours is the kind of help thats on offer dont bother mate i dont need people like you talking down to me im a 45 year old man with a family.
i dont think ill bother asking a question on here again and i especially dont want any replies from the last bloke who answered.
superten67 said:
these are the filters im using,
The Edu-Lab Filter Paper 125mm (Pack of 100) is high quality filter paper, widely used for qualitative analysis. Ideal laboratory resource for schools.
and ive got to say if yours is the kind of help thats on offer dont bother mate i dont need people like you talking down to me im a 45 year old man with a family.
i dont think ill bother asking a question on here again and i especially dont want any replies from the last bloke who answered.

I'm sorry but I can't sit back having read that last part about having family...
If your processing in your home your putting yours, your families and neighbours health at risk plus contaminating your home possibly the neighbourhood and the environment. Please stop and read the safety section, if I'm reading this wrong then my apologies but if not please try to understand what we are trying to tell you!
see this is what i mean.....whats with all the negativity?ive asked a simple question and all im getting is abuse.
i know about safety i've used acids before in lots of jobs,i used to work for a firm that processed catalytic converters and have worked extensively with explosives synthesis.
it just seems to me that some like to be overbearing and exert their will on others and make out they know it all.
i suppose some of you do but it still dosnt give you the right to talk to people like children.
i've had lots of help and good advice from this forum but don't need to be patronised by people telling me i dont know how to do things safely and how to not put my family in danger.
why someone would want to pluck that from the air as yet another way to make out theyre god and go completely in a different direction and miles away from what the thread was about i dont know.
i have a secure shed in my garden and extraction from doing jobs with saws and furniture repair and chemicals are locked in a secure site box everyone happy now?
as i said i think the search option will be better in future as the natives certainly dont have a kind and caring manner.
right lets see,we know i know fairly well what im doing now as i have gold residue,ive followed all the steps ive been offered from all sorts of sources including here mainly.
i simply have a few niggling issues 1st being mainly that the gold i precipitate from solution is so fine it seems to go through any filters have to hand at the moment i have others comming as we speak.
my hcl is 36%,my chlorine bleach is 11%,i am using ferrous sulphate to precipitate,and the hydrogen peroxide im using(now)is 3%.
i have 2 sets of shoulder reach rubber gauntlets,a respirator,a pair of wraparound protective glasses,everything is being done safely and almost exactly as ive read.
the only thing i can think off is the i need to dilute it 50% with water being as the concentration is nearly double what everyone else is using?
i dont think so it seems to me i should just use less.
ive done my recearch and lots of reading but something is missing.
now i appriciate that people dont like answering the same questions over and over again but im not asking the same question im asking a segment of a question.
if you can help me please do,if you want to nit pick or abuse then say nothing thats upto you.
an as for you nick i think i can tell what your like iasked you as a fellow brummie in the spirit of friendship where you were from as ive lived all over the birmingham area and you just blanked me completely your probably a university don who thinks its below you to talk to a factory serf like myself.
but let me tell you this im far from stupid and dont like being talked to like an idiot as you wouldnt so id appriciate no further input from you either.
any CONSTRUCTIVE input would be great but please dont have a go at people for the fun of it as life is hard enough as it is.
and before you do comment remember your motto"refiners helping one another"not taking the rise out of each other.
ive seen various europeans on here you can tell by the way they word thing and quite a lot of the time they just get ignored.
and they soon stop posting as they know no one is interested in answering the questions they ask.
if any of my questions are the apparently same "glaringly obvious to the experts"type of questions then do the same just ignore them and ill look elsewhere.
also if everyone IS so concerened about others safety why not put them straight instead of insulting people inteligence and just being plain rude.

anyway rant over and if you want to talk to me in a friendly manner ill do the same back if you dont then dont talk at all as im not gonna be syeam rollered into defeat.
No one here wants your defeat.

Concerns for your safety are genuine.

Help often requires more information.

Attacks, abuse, and attitude aren't tolerated here at all. If you weren't so defencive you might find what you need.

That is if you haven't insulted those that can help with all the accusations.

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