converting platinumchrorate precip

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Jun 25, 2009
Weldon California
Hello, I have looked a several ideas for converting my plat precips. they are bright orange and dried in the sun to reduce moisture and ground down to a fine powder in a mortor and pestal. I have tried the method of slow heat on a hot plate and watched that the smoke is white but does not seem to convert fully. I have hydrozine sulfate but no di water. I am a little stuck and would like some help from some of you guys that are experianced at doing this.

Try this link :arrow:
Those are great photos and a great mixing of ideas and methods. I dont think i am ready for the zinc process yet. I would lik to try the mild heat then to use the 1500 degree for 25 min method first....but i need to know some tricks of the trade on the methods for these steps.

For the mild heat with white smoke what is a good amount of orage powder to try at once and the best type of heat to use, and when no more smoke comes off is it ready for the high heat, and when it says gray or black smoke means loss of values, does everything dissapear or is something left in the dish. These are prehaps simple questions, but from what i am reading it just instructs you to do it- not the tricks!! I would like to avoid some mistakes if i can.

Thanks for your help

When colored smoke shows up during Calcining, it means some values may be lost.
Pt is much more forgiving then Pd in that manner.
cad said:
Hello, I have looked a several ideas for converting my plat precips. they are bright orange and dried in the sun to reduce moisture and ground down to a fine powder in a mortor and pestal. I have tried the method of slow heat on a hot plate and watched that the smoke is white but does not seem to convert fully. I have hydrozine sulfate but no di water. I am a little stuck and would like some help from some of you guys that are experianced at doing this.


Please be very careful when grinding dried PGM salts, they are toxic to inhale. It is important to wear the proper safety gear when reducing your salts.

With the zinc and hydrazine reduction methods you don't have to dry the salts so these techniques don't have the same inhalation risks.

For hydrazine reduction of the salt simply add the vacuum filtered salt to 10% ammonia hydroxide and slowly add the hydrazine sulfate until the reaction begins to fizz and foam. Stir vigously. If the fizzing stops and you still see colored salt and still smell ammona or if you don't smell ammonia add a little more and see if the fizzing picks back up, if not add a little more hydrazine. Continue this process until the colored salt has all turned to a heavy grayish black sandlike powder.

Be aware that hydrazine is a dangerous compound and work with the proper safety
gear and proper ventilation. Be sure to use an over sized vessle as the foaming reaction can get quite volumous quickly.

Be safe and good luck!

thanks Steve for your words of safety and wisdom!

I need some info to create a solution for the hydrozine sulfate. I have powder and i do not know what to use for the liquid distilled water does not seem to pick up unough of the powder to really saturate the solution.



ps. Steve, how did your zinc project turn out for the separation of the pt