could someone refine some scrap for me?

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Active member
Sep 21, 2011
wondering, if and when i get enough scrap if someone on here can help me refine the stuff? i have around 100 lbs right now......what would be a good amount to start with? and if anyone can help me in looking at a 80/20 split to make it more worth your time :)

(and the hunt for more scrap begins) :p

i live in New York btw, dont think there's laws against sending my scrap to other states are there?

An 80/20 split? Well that’s mighty generous of you, but I think you can get more that 20% for your share. :mrgreen:
100 pounds of e-scrap will yield very little gold unless you are just interested in the idea of making a pretty little button to show to friends you will need alot more to make any money. it cost almost the same amount of money to process a few ounces of gold at a time as it does a few grams of gold at a time. e-scrap even on the best of days can be compared to really low grade ore that is measured in an ounce per ton and thats on a good day. unless you have a steady supply and more time than common sense youll go broke in a hurry.
well that last part was a joke :) but you really have to stay focused to get ahead with e-scrap.
I agree with GEO that is what I learned by processing E-scrap it takes the same amount of money to process
a few grams as it does for a few ounces, exactly.

To get good yields you need to collect just the right scrap and sell off the other stuff, this doesnt mean you
cant make money on your scrap, it means you need to know what e-scrap is worth and who you can sell it to quick.

If you are gettingg your e-scrap free or at low prices you will be able to harvest and save the good stuff
to save for processing, for example you will be able to find someone who will be willing to process
your harvested fingers for you but 20% might be a little low.

go to and check prices.
so what would be a good split? im guessing 100 lbs isnt worth it right now, but whats a good starting weight? not trying to be lazy here, i just dont like chemicals lol :p

You would be better served by doing the prep work yourself, as in removing pins and trimming the edge-cards a just sorting it well over all. It will help you learn what yields are the highest per unit of weight and also allow you to get rid of the no yield material to save on space.

I know that what I've mentioned isn't refining but looking at a huge pile of unsorted untrimmed scrap is rather daunting and will turn off most bucket refiners.
no yield would be like the motherboard chip after everything's trimmed right? ive been trimming pins :)

parts of the electronics that contain NO PM's. even if you remove all the visible gold the boards still have value to someone. SMD's (surface mounted devises) all contain Palladium and there will be a small amount of silver from the solder. learn what is salvageable and what is trash.
thanks for your info geo :D i really just want to have some gold to show off lol nothing more, dont plan on getting rich :)
See Laser Steves web site, I think he had a video on depopulating boards, also you may see the acid peroxide step is something you could handle, if you choose not to use acids then prepare your scrap for high gold content, cut fingers, pull pins and CPU, remove integrated circuits, SMD capacitor and resistors, and so on, keep each type of material sorted, the unused portion of your circuit board may be sold also as scrap, or just given to recycle bins,
Now people will buy your materials for recovery, you could even ask for payment in gold, or go buy gold with the cash generated from your work.
your smart to try and get some gold with the paper dollar bill worth only pennies and the number of pennies it is worth is becoming less as long as government is printing more dollar bills, scrapping circuit boards and other scrap metal can make you some money and can be done when you are not working at your day job, but that day job would be your main source to accumulate gold, even a young person can work, I know some funny minded people think that that would be cruel and children should not work, but that is just a lot of modern bull droppings, I was raised working, and raised my children working, young children need to learn to work, my youngest daughter worked hard for me as a child (both my girls did) she also learned to save her money (something I was not so good at) at 12 years old she got real jobs one working the grape fields for a vinyard and her other job baby sitting premature new born babies, I told her to put her money into silver and she did, at 17 years old she cashed in her silver (made a little bit off of the silver value rising over the years but not to much), well she put the 10,000 dollars she worked for onto a 6 acre piece of land, I borrowed money on my house and developed her property (she paid off that loan), we logged it put in a road, put an old used double wide trailer and fixed it up, had a well drilled, and we installed the well (I witch the well by the way, her well is 24 GPM, some may think witching for water or pipes or electrical wiring is nonsense but I can guarantee it works, but just like refining there is some things about it that are just bull), we put in a septic (double tank with sand filter and leach lines) we put up an electric pole meter base and breaker panel and underground wire to another meter base and outside breaker panel for the house and well house, well at the age of 23,she owns that property free and clear except for yearly taxes (guess we always have to pay uncle Sam rent on our property he wants what we worked so hard for so he can give it to some lazy bum), and she is buying another house in town.

So process your scrap boards, get work (work hard no matter the job, if my job was cleaning outhouses I would work hard to make them shine)and buy metals.
thank you butcher, one more question though, is there any worry of acid or anything like that coming from the capacitors?
The SMD are very small square blocks of ceramics soldered on both ends those are the ones you want, the aluminum electrolytic (can type with two wire legs can have an acidic paste, do not bust these open or put into fire, but these we do not refine, although if you get a solder iron you can pull these and other parts and sell them, things like capacitors, resistors, diodes, integrated circuits, LED's (which do contain a small gold wire inside),transformers, the list goes on and on, can be resold, people repairing electronic's or who build circuits collect these for projects, you could try your local repair shops,craigs list, ebay, or even a small advertisement in popular electronics magazine (electronics now), you may also tell them in that you part out old boards and if they have some would they give them to you, or trade old boards for pulled parts.
these are smd right? :)
yes, and very likely to contain small amounts of palladium.

there have been posts on the different components, with pictures and also posts of yields of possible values they contain, reading these may give you some idea's and reference for your new bussiness.

there are many other things besides old electronics that contain valueable metals, so do not narrow your veiw.

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