could this be done?

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arthur kierski

Well-known member
Feb 10, 2008
são paulo---brazil
usually i add much more smb then expected(needed) in an ar solution containing gold.
the result is that gold +cucl (white powder) +lead sulfate or pbs) are precipitated.
this precipitate is washed thoroughly with water and then boiled with hcl---sometimes one obtain the brown gold powder---other times one obtain a greysh powder which i think is gold+ lead salts----- i add ar to this powder and then reprecipitate with smb the gold-------
it seems a lot of troubles but in doing so i am sure that all the gold is obtained and the initial ar (tested with stanous chloride )shows no gold present---- i found this way a good way to obtain all the gold from an ar solution
i am doing this frequently and i am asking forum members if this could be done as part of the process of obtaining gold from ar solutions with less worries?___
Dear sir if you would add a small amount of sulfuric acid before you filter your solution the lead is supposed to drop from solution so you can filter it.
dear barren,the ar solution is clear----i am saying that when you add excess smb,besides gold,other elements co-precipitates----if to this precipitates you add ar again and smb you will precipitate all the gold without co-precipitation------i made this thread because i read in the forum that many members precipitates a grey powder with smb and ask for help---when the precipitate is only cucl , you just dissolve it with hcl------but sometimes the grey powder is not only cucl and continues when trying with hcl------
arthur kierski
What you are doing is fine.
and you have a few options for cleaner gold since you are redisolving the powder.
from a AR drop i would use copperas then redisolve in hcl +clorox and drop with smb this should give a cleaner powder you will see in the color and do not use extra smb that is the problem of drag down
Barren Realms 007 said:
AHH ok I understand your thinking behind the thread now. Thanks.

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

arthur has a strange way of expressing himself sometimes. lol

Since you buy all of your material and do not need an exact yield for proper payment, you may just wish to wash your precipitant well with distilled water then add some HCl and take it close to boiling. Then add a couple of drops of nitric and take close to boiling again. I know this will put a little gold in solution but it will leave you with a rather clean gold powder and you can save your solution for your next batch going into AR. I know this almost sounds like sacrilege on a forum chasing the purest gold and is crude, but it can prove to be the most expedient route when you own the material being processed.
thanks oz and shyness for the replyes(and good ideas)-------as for my strange way of expressing myself,i remind members that english is not my mother language----as from barrens irony,i excuse him because he helped me a lot in many threads--
thanks all

p.s---i think my english is not so bad for a foreigner .i saw worse in the forum
I think your engish is very good Artur. I don't think this is what palladium was meaning.
More likely he merely meant that your way of explaining things is well, different than some is all.
I am also quite sure it was meant in a light hearted way.
obrigado mestre arthur
using the two different precipitants and process you leave a lot of merda (crap) behind.
arthur kierski said:
dear barren,the ar solution is clear----i am saying that when you add excess smb,besides gold,other elements co-precipitates----if to this precipitates you add ar again and smb you will precipitate all the gold without co-precipitation------i made this thread because i read in the forum that many members precipitates a grey powder with smb and ask for help---when the precipitate is only cucl , you just dissolve it with hcl------but sometimes the grey powder is not only cucl and continues when trying with hcl------
That is correct, but the best way to approach the problem is to wash with ammonium hydroxide. White powder that accompanies gold can be silver chloride, which is soluble in ammonia.

When you are plagued with dirty gold from a first precipitation, Hoke recommended a second refining, using a different precipitant. That, coupled with the proper washing cycle after both precipitations will almost guarantee gold of excellent quality.

I would be inclined to avoid the addition of a few drops of nitric in any wash. While it may have the potential to remove traces of unwanted substances, it won't remove silver chloride, and I'm of the opinion that it won't be selective in removing unwanted substances. It's just as likely to dissolve gold, which is the most readily available substance at its disposal.

Arthur----there are people that frequent this forum that were born and raised speaking what is supposed to be English. They have done a masterful job of slaughtering the language. Do not be concerned about your use of our language---you do just fine.

Platdigger said:
I think your engish is very good Artur. I don't think this is what palladium was meaning.
More likely he merely meant that your way of explaining things is well, different than some is all.
I am also quite sure it was meant in a light hearted way.

Exactly !!! It was the same when Noxx was trying to learn American humor. :lol:
Being from the south i wonder how people perceive my grasp of English and I’m from the states. Lol
I've learn a lot from arthur's post. You have to look deeper than the words.

The grey powder is a takes too long to filtrate and contaminates your gold.I used to add more SBM than needed too.So here is what I do but you must be sure there are no silver or PGM on your grey/white powder,just gold contaminated with base metals salts.

Prepare your AR as usually,then add 20% (vol) of concentrated sulphuric acid to your AR,do it outside because nasty gases will be released,add this mixure of acids to you grey/white powder,again,do it outside because an extraordinary reaction will take place and a lot of fumes will be released,boil for a while and then you will obtain a precipitate (easy to filtrate) and a solution(here is supposed to be your gold),pour off the liquid,wash the mud a few times,collect the filtrate and then reprecipìtate your gold as usual with urea/SBM.

Avoid using more SBM than needed.


Deus te abencoe.

thanks Manoel----the nex time that i get the greysh salt with gold,i will first add nh4oh (as Harold sugested) and then after eliminating any agcl present, i will do it the way you recommended------
abraços and god bless you
manuel and all---once again i obtained the grey powder (from precipitating ar with excess smb) and did exactly as Harold (amonia washing to eliminate agcl) teached me,after that i added ar+20%h2so4 as manuel sugested and obtained the gold with smb precipitation------the gold obtained was 99,4% and i already sold it----thanks all for the advices ---you are all great refiners and excellent teachers
ps:the person that buys my gold has a small machine that indicates the gold percentage(in this case 99,4%)-----

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