craZy jiM wGGns -- that would be me

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Active member
Apr 6, 2008
atlanta area
i am what one might call the inquisitive type.

i spend a great deal of my waking (and not so waking) hours concerned with the why's and wherefore's of the mental, physical and spiritual aspects of life and the planet.

and like robert w once wrote - it's not getting the gold but getting to the gold. sorry bad paraphrase there.

i have had a afinnity for metalurgy and consequently precious metals for some time. did a few hours under water dredging and then on top panning. studied a bit on the bugs of the streams and then tried my hand at tying up various imitations to catch the trout who also inhabit said streams, rivers,lakes, etc. but i wander.....

i love the outdoors, i love life. as long as i can just be curious and have the freedom to pursue (some would say) my endless questions.

of course i realized some time back that are no real answers just more and more and better questions.

so chemistry has been on of those pursuits. and metallurgy and chemistry and physics all go hand in hand so here i am. trying to learn something of the process of pgm's and how can get the gold to flow.

so if you don't mind i will be around and probably ask some stupid sounding questions and try to learn a thing or three will keeping all my fingers, eyes and toes.
Welcome to the forum, looks like you will fit right in with the rest of us crazies.....Frog
Welcome to the forum...your name sure seems familiar--maybe an old friend from sciencemadness?

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