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I have been reading some old refining books lately and in one of them
it states that lower copper chlorides can be used to precipate gold.
I know you guys that are refining will not want to try this and will look down on it.
However for guys like me that are just recovering and concentrating and trying to
do it at the lowest cost CuCl could be a way recycle the copper you are getting out
of recovering electronic gold.

I am hoping not to cause trouble here either, Been expirimenting reusing my acids,(tired of the bulk waste, that to me is still good) and (seems by the time I have waste safe for disposal, its volume has increased tremendously),

To me these liquids and salts can be used wisely, example a acid peroxide solution can be reused over and over and then made to a salt reused over and in many reactions of different kinds, most all of these byproducts can be, and for me a slow evaporation is better than trying to treat them for disposal and enviromental concerns, I am not saying it is economical.these liquids and salts they still contain power, more when heated, and using heat and cooling can help also, hot chloride's get and hold the metal, cold ones precipitate, or salt if concentrated.
even the salts of these metals precipitants contain the acidic powers (more if H+ or oxidizers added)
oxidizers added when heating help dissolve metals and then water, oxidizer, and excess chloride vapor off with heat and evaporation leaving metal as precipitant ( such as silver )or salt of metal in solution or precipitant, depending on the metal/salt, settleing time, temperature, concentration, and (the dreaded word etcetera).
I have been using copper chloride, and other used acid mixes and precipitants ,for recovery process,(reusing acids), one trouble I have is salts, and concentration of solution, its hard fo me to tell end points, were metals are mostly solution or concentrated to salts of metals, well I guess if I have to washout excess copper or other metals after inceneration of these salts so be it. another thing my old solutions have base metals higher than the copper in solution so they help precipitate values, these dirty (mixed metal solutions are challenging),
I also use salts or the precipiated metals like silver to try and collect some of the PGM's.
and may wash some of these precipitants with less used, used acids like AP or HCL/bleach,
which can use up some of there oxidizers before boiling them down, some of these expiriments with some ore I have has been fun educational and promising, but like gold fever I may find different later?
used acid /cementation/solubility recovery :?:
or just another one of my messy failed expieriments to get light,or metals.
this is hard for me to explain, but unless your new to this you get the Idea.

this would not be anything for someone to try if they did not have clue about how the reactions of chemisty at work.
I think running the AP reaction until you get the brown copper chloride, filter this off, it is excess in your AP anyways, save for precipating gold. I think this will be how I progress for my next batch. Seems that copper will not drop copper, that would not make sense, seems copper will not drop iron or chromium (from kovar), from the book the copper should reduce the gold, and be oxidized to CuCl2, which should remove any copper by the same process that AP does.

I will be trying this soon and will put actual results up, after I do the IC process for a couple peole that responded to my request.


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