Diesel exhaust fluid

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I do not know about the diesel exhaust fluid and its use for urea, would it make a good fertilizer?

You do not need urea, there is no reason for using it, what you need is a little more study of the forum, by doing so you will learn how to use the nitric acid to where you also will not need urea, sulfamic acid can be used where you tend to over use your nitric, or adding a gold button to deplete nitric in solution, I feel urea is too dangerous, and is not very good to remove excess nitric from your solution.
butcher said:
I do not know about the diesel exhaust fluid and its use for urea, would it make a good fertilizer?

You do not need urea, there is no reason for using it, what you need is a little more study of the forum, by doing so you will learn how to use the nitric acid to where you also will not need urea, sulfamic acid can be used where you tend to over use your nitric, or adding a gold button to deplete nitric in solution, I feel urea is too dangerous, and is not very good to remove excess nitric from your solution.

LOL the quickest way to kill your lawn is to spray diesel over it. :) Not sure about DEF though!
I appreciate the replies. I have a horrible problem with patience I work a full time job an run my business so I a, trying to figure out away of quikening my refining
Refining and learning about it, takes a little time and patience, give yourself time for learning, and give your recovery and refining the time it needs also, this way you are not rushing into problems, losing values, but you will find it is actually more efficient, and in the long run actually faster to spend the time or not to rush it to get to that goal, precious metals and chemistry are things you cannot rush, and not taking the time needed to learn can cost you the very metals you are trying to get, recovery and refining and the study of it is similar to that story of the race between the turtle and the rabbit, the rabbit was fast and he knew it, the turtle was slow but stayed on the path determined to finish the race, the rabbit lost his gold, and the turtle posted a picture of his large button in the gallery section, that poor rabbit is still trying to get out of the mess he made of his aqua regia, he was fast but never finished the race.

This does not mean that you have to stand still while reactions take place, I normally have several things going on at once, giving reactions the time they need is not a problem for me, it gives me time to work on other things, just like study, giving yourself the time needed to learn, gives you more time to collect those values to work on, and a good understanding of how to process them when you are ready, If you rush things you will find you are actually making more work for yourself, which will also take more time, giving yourself time to understand, you will also find you are not wasting your time.

Take the aqua regia for example, when you spend time studying you will learn you should not mix the aqua regia up as 1 part nitric to four part HCl (although we will measure out this for our gold), you will also learn how much of each of these acids is needed, so you will not over use the acids which can waste money and cause more problems, and take us more time to deal with these problems, we would then add only the nitric needed with no excess, this way we will not necessarily have to spend a lot of time to rid unused nitric acid, we can also use the evaporation process if we wish, we can do this without spending that much time on it, or we may not even need to evaporate the solution, we learn that there are several methods to deal with the nitric and we may wish to use one or more ways to do this, like leaving a little undissolved gold or adding a gold button to use up excess, we will also learn the dangers of urea, the problems it could cause us if platinum group may be involved with our gold,. or of the benefits of using sulfamic acid to rid free nitric and where it can actually help to clean the lead from our gold solution, so by spending our time studying the process it can actually save us time, when we are actually out there working with our precious metals in solution, also once we have a good understanding of the processes, we can use our time more efficiently, getting to that goal of finishing the race of melting our pure bar of gold just like turtle surely but slowly we will get our gold, and actually beat the rabbit who is frantically running back and forth wondering what has happened to his gold, nowhere near being ready to melt it.

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