Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether

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I believe Diethylene Glycol is an organic solvent used in many products.
Although it may be somehow used to make (I do not know)
Diethylene Glycol Dibutyl Ether
These look to me to be two very different long chain carbon compounds.
look at the formulas for each.
the reason i ask is, this is from wiki concerning HAUCl4 "The compound crystallizes as a yellow-orange hygroscopic needles. It is soluble not only in water, but also in many oxygen-containing solvents, such as alcohols, esters, ethers, and ketones. For example, in dry dibutyl ether of diethylene glycol, the solubility exceeds 1 mol/L. Saturated solutions in the organic solvents often are the liquid solvates of specific stoichiometry."

i know that by changing even one letter (much less whole words) in the name of a chemical can mean the difference between success or maybe killing yourself. i was just looking for a readily available source without spending $280 per gallon.

You can purchase a small quantity here:

I just bought the website and playing with the idea of selling smaller amounts of BDG if there is enough interest. It's not going to be tomorrow, or next month but rather something I would like to do, buying the website was the first step. I figure it's less expensive in large quantities just like many of the acids we use in refining.

You do know you can continue to re-use it so long as you wash it really well before each use?

Here is a PDF on BDG and other high performance solvents closely related to BDG. Diglyme/novolyte-high-performance-solvents.pdf

"I would buy that for a dollar!" :lol:

Maybe I can be persuaded into buying more than a dollars worth. I have planned to test BDG some time but if I have waited for three years now then I can wait for some more. I hope you will ship internationally.

I have Butyl Diglyme available in Canada and it is free to forum members. For those outside of Canada, you would need to take responsibilty for shipping and related details. In Canada, pick up or responsibilty for shipping is in order.
Approximately 20 gallons available.
Goran, I imported this item from Clariant in Germany, but I believe it is a Swedish entity.
Thanks! I have to look that up. The best price I've found so far (including shipping) is $120 for a liter... or was that half a liter. :shock:


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