Difficulty finding "pure" nitrogen source or urea

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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2009
Gold Country, California
In my quest to find all useful chemicals for PM recovery/refining in my local stores, I have found that finding a good niter for making nitric acid is difficult. So far, the best thing I've come across is Green Light Stump Remover, which contains 98% KNO3 (solid granules). But at something like $10 for a pound it's just not cost effective.

The closest fertilizer I've found is 21-0-0 ammonium sulfate. The packaging says "21% ammoniacal nitrogen". Wikipedia says "ammoniacal nitrogen" is "NH3-N". I don't know if that means there's an N atom that is anxious to be let free into solution, but I doubt it. Per previous discussions here, I learned that ammonium is not ideal for N extraction.

The closest/best thing I've found to urea is "Superfine Lawn Food" which is 17-0-0 in an aqueous solution. The packaging says it is "17% urea nitrogen". I wonder if I can boil off the liquid and be left with pure urea? At $9.99/quart I don't want to experiment to find out. I'd rather find a more ready and pure source.

I've scoured just about every hardware store and at least one local (and very good) nursery, but I'm running out of options.

Try at your nurseries.
Nitrate of Soda 16-0-0
Its sold in 4 lb packages for about $7.00 ea here.
Just take the phone book and make some calls till you find someone that carries it. Its usually on hand in the spring and summer, but sombody may still have some on the shelf.
Amazon.com also sells it.
Should not be that hard to find.
When I found a place to buy it, I stocked up. I keep the sealed bags in a sealed 5 gal pail, because it draws moisture and cakes. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_0_15?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=nitrate+of+soda&sprefix=Nitrate+of+Soda.

Good Luck
james122964 said:
Urea from what I know can not be used to make nitric acid.


Sure, but I was wanting it more as a substance to drop gold out of solution. I don't need it for that as I have SMB (in the form of Stump Out Stump Remover). However, I wanted to find sources to add to my Chemical Common Substitute Source Matrix, which I just posted:

I source out a lot of my chemicals on ebay. Just do a search for the chemical you need and more likely then not you will come up with several options. One vender that comes to mind is the chemistry connection. They sell a lot of useful chems at a decent price.
Urea is a nitric acid inhibitor (if this is the correct term according to Lou?).

I've come to prefer evaporation as Harold and Hoke recommend. I strive for none left over as GSP prescribes. And add sodium nitrate as needed like Lazersteve.

And I'll use the rest of the 50# bag of Urea I bought on my lawn. :)

What I know of refining comes mostly from this forum. Thanks Noxx! Thanks everyone.

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