goldsilverpro said:Here are some ways of recovering gold and silver from lead:
(1) Dissolving the lead in hot weak nitric acid. The silver will also dissolve, but it could be cemented with copper. This will generate lots of waste solution and the lead could be difficult to recover.
(2) Cupel the lead as suggested by 4metals.
(3) Melt and use the Parkes process - collect the Au/Ag with zinc. This was for silver but I assume the gold would also be collected. A similar process published by the US Bureau of Mines used aluminum instead of zinc. The BoM process was mainly for removing the PMs and copper from contaminated Pb/Sn wave solder used in the printed circuit industry.
The Parkes process will indeed recover gold as well, although not as quantitatively as silver. It requires increased zinc and residence time. Most lead refineries actually use the Parkes process for gold and silver removal from lead. I will warn you that it is a relatively ugly process to run. Also, like all the pyromet. lead refining processes, it becomes more difficult at the very small scale - skimming becomes harder to do selectively (all skims are lead contaminated, as the amount of skim decreases, the relative amount of lead in the skim goes up), heat losses are large and maintaining temperatures is difficult with a small charge, maintaining correct atmospheres is also more difficult. I know this might sound counter-intuitive, but we found it quite difficult to get very good results with a very-well designed lab-scale continuous drossing furnace, while the full scale version provided easier operation/control (and better results, barring some lethal tin accretion difficulties).
goldsilverpro said:(4) Melt, cast bars, and dissolve and plate out the lead. The Au and Ag would be caught in the anode bag.
Hence my suggestion of the Betts process. You will find that there was a great deal of development in that process (and still is - Teck's research department has tested and continues to test lead electro-refining technology to this day - over 90 years now).
goldsilverpro said:Electrolytic systems are my forte' and I do love the idea of electrorefining PM bearing lead. I downloaded the Betts book and will look it over when I get the chance. With the right electrolyte composition and, if the solution contamination could be kept to a minimum (when the contaminants reach a certain detrimental level, however, most can be removed by selective treatments) , the solution could be used over and over. This would reduce waste solutions, considerably, and would allow the lead to be accumulated, melted, and sold.
Then you will enjoy reading about Betts. There are also still a lot of papers published about the process. Most of the work for the last 15 years has revolved around slimes stability - keeping the PM-bearing slimes on the anode, since nobody bags their anodes in the large refineries. The negative parts about the Betts process - it is relatively slow, it is capital-intensive for a large operation, and it is rare (I think only 3 lead refineries run the process world-wide - everyone else uses a complete pyro-refining circuit).
goldsilverpro said:Being an old plater, I read Gerald's post with interest. Lead is deposited (mainly) from solutions containing either fluoboric, fluosilicic, sulfamic, or (maybe) acetic acids. For the electrorefining of lead containing silver, however, since the silver will co-deposit from the fluoborate system, the fluosilicate or sulfamate systems would be the best electrolyte choices. In these, the Au and Ag would end up in the bagged anode sludge.
The fluosilicic acid (same as the acid used in the Betts system as discussed by Gerald - this acid has many different names) would work great, but it seems to be more dangerous than Gerald thinks it is. However, many things we use are dangerous. With the proper knowledge, setup, and controls, the dangers of most any system can be reduced or nearly eliminated. The best info I could find on the dangers and properties of this acid is in the following link. Although the article is concerned mainly with the use of this acid to produce fluoridation of drinking water, it provides much general information. I would suggest that anyone thinking about using this acid read this article. Please note that, unlike sulfamic acid, fluosilicic acid will etch glass similarly to HF.
Here's a general search for the Betts process. It seems that it is the standard method for working lead from sulfide deposits.
Unfortunately, it ISN'T the standard method for primary lead recovery - it is actually quite rare. Most primary lead is produced in a pyro-refinery circuit. Generally, these are rows of large pots undergoing various skimming processes (often skimmed with a backhoe), and nearly all batch. I think Trail may be the only refinery to use a continuous copper drossing process - despite the advantages of a continuous process, using a "wheel" of circulating molten lead through copper drossing and softening, most refineries stick to kettle-based approaches.
goldsilverpro said:Were I to experiment with this, especially for use on a small scale, I would definitely attempt to use the sulfamate system, instead of the the fluosilicate. Sulfamic acid is cheap. I recently bought a 50# bag from Univar for $.58/pound and it's available on eBay for about $4/#. Also, sulfamic acid is much safer than the fluosilicic acid. In both systems, if tin is present in the lead, it will co-deposit with the lead.
In order to produce a non-spongy, sound cathode deposit, whether using the fluosilicate or the sulfamate system, a certain amount of lead must be dissolved in the solution before any electrolysis takes place. If you don't start with any lead in the solution, you will spend a lot of time screwing around with the crappy cathode deposit. In this link, notice that the starting solution in the Betts process contains 70g/l of lead, as lead fluosilicate. Also, in the literature, there are additives that will smooth out the deposit even more.
According to the literature (the definitive book, Modern Electroplating, by Lowenheim), the usual operating conditions for a lead sulfamate plating solution are:
Lead - 110 to 165 g/l (as lead sulfamate)
Free sulfamic acid - enough to lower the pH to 1.5
Temp - 24 to 50C (75 to 122F)
Cathode current density - 0.5 to 4 A/dm2 (4.6 to 37 A/ft2)
If the pH is too low or the temp is too high, the solution can decompose. The pH of 1.5 (using glass electrodes) is maintained by sulfamic acid (to lower) or ammonia (to raise). In this solution, both the anode and cathode efficiencies are 100%.
The main problem is how to obtain the lead sulfamate (or lead fluosilicate) in order to make up the solution. You can purchase lead sulfamate (or, fluosilicate) but, it may be expensive - for a large scale, though, this would be the best way to go. A cheaper way would be to dissolve either lead hydroxide, lead carbonate, or lead oxide (litharge) in a solution of fairly hot, fairly saturated, sulfamic acid or fluosilicic acid. To make these lead compounds, I would think that one could use sodium hydroxide or sodium carbonate to precipitate these (or a combination of these compounds) from a solution of pure lead dissolved in nitric acid. I might mention that strong nitric won't work well for dissolving lead, as lead nitrate crystals will soon coat the lead and prevent further dissolution. In my experience, a hot solution of 7 parts distilled water and 1 part nitric will dissolve the lead and prevent crystallization.
For economic purposes, the use of acetic acid (vinegar) might be worth a shot also, using similar logic as in the above discussion. That would certainly be the cheapest, but I have no idea as to what the parameters would be. I did find some discussion of this on this sciencemadness thread.
I am having trouble multi-quoting, so I will try to add some comments via the inferior "re:" method...
Re: fluosilicic acid safety - nothing is "safe." But at <100 g/L acid, the electrolyte is pretty tame. I was scared of the "HF" part at first, having had a very bad experience with HF many years ago (burning a hole right into the bone in my index finger, due to a pinprick hole in my glove). But the silica component basically tames this beast, and it is so dilute as I suggested. I wouldn't recommend bathing in it, but on bare skin it stings less than vinegar. As with all electrochemical processes, you have to avoid making acid mist. However, the voltage of electrorefining is so low, there is no gas evolution, so mist is very limited. If you were to enter a Betts lead electro-refinery, you would find it smelled funny, but that is due to the organic additive. Still, caution is always smart!
Re: acetic acid - I am not aware of any successful lead refining processes using acetic acid. I can't say why this was rejected for the Betts process.
Re: sulfamic acid - there are experimental papers on lead refining using sulfamic, but as I recall there are stability problems and, in particular, plating quality problems for thick deposits. For thin, very adherent deposits, lead electroplating solutions used to contain sulfamic acid. Nowadays there isn't a huge demand for lead electroplate (kinda like cadmium electroplate..."mysteriously" became unpopular *cough* toxic *cough* carcinogenic *cough* bioaccumulates). I would have to look it up though.
Re: initial lead levels - this makes for smooth plating in a continuous process. In the small scale, you can start your solution at 0 lead, run the cell as a "starter" at half-amperage, make crappy cathode for a while until you get a decent solution built up, then pull the cathode and start with a new one. Obviously in the large continuous process, fresh acid is added to make up for losses, but there is rarely any lead added to the solution "on purpose."
Re: contaminant removal - there are troublesome contaminants that could build up, but it will depend entirely on the feedstock. Copper is a problem, as is arsenic and thallium. If it gets bad, you can always run a stripper cell - run some refined lead as both anode and cathode, plate out the impurities on the cathode, then recycle the acid to the main process. While large refineries have to do this occassionally, I never had the slightest trouble with impurities in the "Rubbermaid" cells. A more common contaminant issue is degraded organics, which can be dealt with (at high cost) by filtering electrolyte through activated carbon.
Re: fluosilicic acid supply - in the Trail refinery, it came in via train tanker cars, so I don't know where small amounts are to be had. The large chemical supply houses sell reagent grade, for big dollars of course. Some googling might be in order. Remember that iin electro-refining, the electrolyte, if maintained, doesn't "wear out" - this isn't like leaching with AR or something. Technically these electrolytes last for years and years under continuous use. The organic additives degrade, and sometimes the electrolyte will be contaminated and require purification, but once you have the electrolyte, you can use it "forever."
This is a fun discussion! I still have to read the rest of the thread and the other links.
Best Regards, Gerald