distilling nitric

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Plus, I remember Irons posting nitric made with calcium nitrate should be free of chlorides.

Were as nitric made from sodium or ammonium nitrate could have considerable chlorides.
Good job James. What was your ratio of acid to nitrate?
james122964 said:
I moderate another forum, one that includes machining, welding, casting, and live steam (model steam locomotives).

Harold, sounds interesting - what forum? If I may ask.



No problem, guys, there's room for many more.

Here's a link to the board.


You must be a registered user to post or to see pics. Registration is by approval, which I do not control. If you're interested, apply, and make mention of your interest in either machining or live steam. Approval generally takes a day, and is easy.

The board experienced some serious spamming a couple years ago, at the hands of a user----so now applications must be approved by Marty. He's an OK guy, just trying to insure that we do not have another episode like the one we experienced previously.

I keep close watch on the forum-------no foul language, no religion, and no politics and NO FLAMING. Immediate dismissal is the result of that violation.

Any messages that violate the above restrictions are deleted immediately----and if members persist in violating any of the rules, they can be banned permanently. We've only banned a couple people in years, so I think you'll find the atmosphere very friendly. The restrictions eliminate wise guys that like to raise hell, just as they do on this board.

Harold I am a licenced boilerman, you mentioned live steam, are there discussion on modern boilers? I dont know much about the models, although have an interest in steam engines and would like to learn how the valves are timed to the pistons and the principles of operation.
Not modern in the sense of commercial boilers, but boilers are very much a part of the hobby. To my knowledge, they are all fire tube boilers.

We have at least one licensed builder on the board, and many build their own, some even doing their own welding.
Sounds risky, but the models are generally so over-built that they are not known for catastrophic failures. There are no known fatalities from boiler failures here in the US, and the hobby is now more than 70 years old. Much older in the UK.

The boilers are typically steel shells with K or L copper for flues. Some use steel flues as well. Some are coal fired, but oil and propane are taking over due to the difficulty of buying good quality coal, and the fire hazards.

They boilers seem to work exceedingly well----and are operated up to 150 psi, although 125 is far more common. Boilers up to 12" diameter and down to as small as five or six inches, with the smaller boilers made of copper, silver soldered. There are even smaller boilers for the small gauge engines. The vast majority are engines built to 1½"/ft. scale, or 1/8" full size. There are smaller and larger scales, but the 1½" is the most popular.

If you'd like to see some of the engines in operation, there's a track in Molalla, as well as one further south along I-5 (Brooks)
There is also a private track at a residence in Sherwood, but not open to the public.

By the way, I envy you your welding prowess. I have studied welding and have passed x-ray vertical up 7018. I am far (very far) from being a weldor.

viacin said:
lol, the description under your name is based on how many posts you have, not your actual refining level. All the phpbb forums have it. Consider it a badge of honor, I do. If I give advice on anything, I am sure to point out that I'm new at this too. I just have a big mouth and like to type :) But if I didn't talk so much, I wouldn't have so many friends on here either. :!:

Actually, we all* apparently are reduced to active members now. I think Noxx's latest bit of code work has taken away individuality. How commie! We're all equals now :p

*Steve's still the greatest and I mean that both ways! :)
aww, your kidding me. I was proud of my meaningless rank, just like a military man with credentials but nothing to do. :(( :cry:

Man, I want my rank back. :mrgreen:
Sorry guys. :oops:
I didn't mean to get everyone demoted, ... just myself.
Maybe some of you could start a survey on how skill descriptions should be dealt out.
As for me,... I'll stick with active member status.

I thought it did a pretty good job, assuming you didn't post a lot like me. For someone who reads for weeks, then runs a few batches, then begins posting, it's probably pretty accurate. For the odd ones (like me) who jabber on to buds more than they refine, then it may not apply so well. really it's impossible to have a one size fits all rank. Simply raising the rank levels is the easiest way, but I never saw where it was a problem. No one causing any trouble with it, so why really bother? It's not like some noob was posting incorrect info and people were believing him cuz of his rank. I see how this could happen, but thats when you just correct them. It's just a rank on a forum I guess, but I was proud of my stripes. :)

Not being bias, but I do think that a few members should have special ranks. harold, steve, lou, gsp, noxx, etc. Perhaps anyone in the top 10 postings? Not just because they have the most posts, but I think that we can all agree that their knowledge on the subject surpasses most, and they should be treated as such.
Viacin, that custom title might cut down on the disrespect factor that some newbies might have for the big posters.

To be honest, I can frankly give a damn whether my rank is "Forum Chemist" or "Forum Chili Cook". I've been fortunate to belong to forums where there are adults present who realize that some silly little user rank on a forum matters about as much as a hill of beans in the middle of a desert.

As far as talking and doing no refining goes, I know how that is. It's slow, slow business here on the PGM front. Most people don't want to sell, most people don't want to buy. Many are still holding their breath. I'm about ready to move to gold and silver and call it a day. Only time I need to do anything with the PGMs in the past month as been for making catalysts! It's hard getting platinum, let alone rhodium. I've been trying to get a contract with a photography supply house so that I can sell them metals salts, I'm hoping it'll come through--should give me enough labile capital to keep the noose from closing.

Ah well, when it rains it pours! A few months ago I was having the time of my life with Rh at 10K/oz!! Back to the basics!
Lou said:
To be honest, I can frankly give a damn whether my rank is "Forum Chemist" or "Forum Chili Cook".

Let me see. Hummmm. I'll take two bowls one with beans and one without, let me get some crackers with that too please. :lol:

Hey lou. :wink:
Heheh, everyone knows real chili aint' got no beans in it!

Ralph, I found a cookbook somewhere, sometime online that was written by a chemist for chemists. Wish I could find it, I'd have some subtle hints to drop for a Christmas gift! It was all about the science of cooking, baking, grilling, braising, etc.

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