Droping Pt & Pd from AR Help needed!!!

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Feb 25, 2009
birmingham uk
hello all again. I got hold of my 1st cat converter today. Iv taken the cores out of the box and have collected all the dust that was available. including the cores and dirt iv got 1kg bang on. before processing do i need to crush the ceramic up into a dust or just tap out as much dust as I can? once its ready for the acid AR bath what would I use to drop the Pt out? I have been told Aluminium foil? would you recomend dropping the Pd first (can i use pure clorine gas for this part bubbled through the regent?) as much help as possible would be great many thanks in advance. Dave ,,oh and do you need to neautralise the AR before dropping anything?
aluminum foil bad. forms yuckie sticky stuff that is had to filter. sorry for being so technical :lol:

Hi Dave,
Welcome to the forum!
If you will use the search function, all of the questions that you have asked, have been covered here many times over.
Do not try to precipitate your pgm's before denoxing.

There are alot of people here trying alot of different recovery and extraction techniques.


I demonstrate this all on DVD video available on my website.

You can also read how to here and in Hoke.

Meow :arrow: http://goldrefiningforum.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=51&t=1316&p=11047&hilit=platinumill+exposed#p11047

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