A simple Q please. I realize I cant get an exact number, but a ball park one please. I just finished drying out what I pray to be 26 grams of gold powder. Out of that how big of a button could I get? How pure is the powder? I do not know. From a sodium nitrite drop. I evaped, then in water a few days then added the nitrite. I know that the AR had a lot of copper in it. Next time I'll try to remove most base metal. Just haveng trouble figuring out what process to use. Next Q, can I go straight to the next refining process without melting? My mud was a pale brown, almost a (beige?) color. Spelling off? After drying it got darker, much. I cant make stannus cant afford the tin powder yet. Do not want to use solder, want to bee %100. Will get some from Lazer Steve next week. I have some that was in water a few days, no settlement (oxides I guess I was expecting). But upon adding the nitrite, I got a half inch white powdery looking mud that I was expecting after adding the water to my syrup. It put up a small amount of fumes, and has been sitting for a week now. And it will till I can figure my next step.