Dropping silver from HCL

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Barren Realms 007

In Remembrance
Apr 2, 2009
I have seen this question asked before and I can't seem to find it again.Can you drop silver from HCL with non iodized table salt? Does the solution need to be cold or hot? Thanks in advance.
I have seen this question asked before and I can't seem to find it again.Can you drop silver from HCL with non iodized table salt? Does the solution need to be cold or hot? Thanks in advance.

In HCl (hydrochloric or muriatic acid), the silver is already dropped as silver chloride (AgCl). If you meant to say HNO3 (nitric acid), instead of HCl, then either adding HCl or a table salt (NaCl) solution will drop silver as silver chloride.
Thanks for the reply. Yea I realized after I wrote it that I had asked a dumb question. I was too quick to ask the question and I realized that lat night at about 1:00 AM .

I had a bunch or depopulated boards I had soaked in HCL And when I removed them from the solution and filtered it that there was a grey/blackish cake in my filter. I am going to "ASSUME" That this is the siver and I will need to melt and run thru nitric to refine to purity. What a fun learning experience this is truning outto be.. :lol:
Based on what you have said as to source material and process the material in your filter is probably lead chloride with a little silver chloride. Exposure to UV light will turn your silver chloride dark purple to black. The best way to remove the lead chloride is boiling water as the silver chloride is not soluble. Then use your preferred method to reduce your silver chloride to elemental silver.