Due to family death, I am in over my head!!!

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Oct 24, 2012

J find myself in a confusing predicament and am in desperate need of either help or direction or both!!

My father passed away from leukemia a couple of ago. He thought it would be fun to will to me all that he loved most, which for the last 7 years, has been gold and silver refining. Which is totally awesome and appreciated with love.......only that I am a stay at home mom,with one daughter recovering from open heart surgery and another in elementary school. Not to mention my not so great science and math skills. My husband, on the other hand, excels with science and math and would love to jump into this immediately. Unfortunately, he is active duty Army and he just returned from a deployment to Afghanistan, so his time is very limited outside of work.

So I find myself surrounded by everything from optical laser, trays and trays of Cpus and lots of other computer parts, mostly HP, Intel and Motorola all the way to vials full of gold foil, gold nuggets and about 6 grams of the mud. I also have pretty much all of the chemicals needed, but like I said, not the option to complete myself.

So my question to you knowledgeable folks is, are there options? A place to find people that would want to buy?

It was my dads passion and I feel like I would be completely disrespecting alll of the time and effort he put into it if I just pitched it.

Any help, ideas and advice will be greatly appreciated!

If it matters, I am in the western washington area.

first let me say i feel for your loss. i lost my father two years ago to cancer.you will find all the answers to your questions here.was your father by chance a member of the forum? if you can, please post what you would like to sell in the "sell or trade" section. pictures will help. list items separately. some things are worth more than others. CPU's and pins and cut fingers are worth the most of Escrap. there will be someone interested in what you have and will appreciate the opportunity to have it.
Thank you!! It's so strange, ever since he died, it seems like everyone I talk to has been touched by cancer..it is such a devastating disease!!

moving on....

Thank you for the direction, our garage is full to the max and I have been so lost as to how to make any headway so I will post it all tonight.

Thanks again!
sorry to hear about your father. If you post some pics the members might be able to point you in a direction of what some of your material might be worth. I might even be intrested. If you PM me with some information on the things you might be willing to part with I'll make an offer. It's always sad when someone within the community passes.
Sorry for your loss... I lost my oldest daughter 8 years ago this december and it still feels like it was yesterday.

I'm in the Lynnwood area.

Take care!

PM sent.
Here's some of the stuff... He also has alot of HP oscillators, optical laser things and other testing equipment, im not sure if that is related to the refining?

There are about 9 trays of the CPUs, mostly HP, Intel and Motorola.

There are 13 bags of the pins, each weighing 457 grams, and then a few other random amounts.

He also has what looks like a huge bag of what looks like gold scaps and chunks?

It will only let me upload 5 pics or I would have done a ton more lol...its exciting just to talk to people who know about this stuff, ive been drawing blanks with everyone ive tried.




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Is there a website I can go to so I can weed out the collectables before selling? Nothing would have pissed my dad off more than to know I got totally swindled. He had leukemia for 3 years and by the last year things were a bit groggy so I couldnt get the most clear of directions from him. It was very important to him that I not let my mom toss it all, and also very clear as to the specific items he wanted me to have. But after that we couldnt really talk well. So I know I have what he wanted me to take care of, unfortunately I dont even really know what that is.

So thank you for being a stand up bunch of fellows and not just taking me for a ride!!

If you have ideas on how to know the collectables from the ordinary, I will pick them out tonite!!

And if you were all local, I'd take you all out for coffee!! I cant explain how stressful it has been trying to figure all of this out and feeling like I had to do it for my dad, but really not knowing how.

So thank you.

You have some nice material, your father left you, one day many of us here on the forum may be leaving this kind of stuff to our children, I have two daughters, and it is my hope when I pass that they will be able to get fair value for what I have worked for, maybe you can here on the forum, one way would be to let some of the refiners refine your material for you, for a small percentage of value.

Or maybe the forum members can help you find the best place to get the most return for what your father left for you.

May your father always watch over you.
Thank you for the kind ! Its funny, when he got his terminal diagnoses is when he had me write down each item he wanted me to take, and he was so happy and proud it was all such a completely foreign language to me and had always been his thing. And then when he passed, and we loaded up the truck, I just felt out of my league and overwhelmed. And very confused. Only now, after reading thru posts on here, am I getting it, getting him....I can hear that same excitement he would have..his quest to do it better....I have a feeling I will be perusing thru this site long after the stuff is gone..:)

And that is a wonderful idea regarding having it refined...and the first one that felt it would truly honor my father. Thank you.
My thoughts are with you and your family at this hard time.

I would like to suggest perhaps a different idea, you seem very bright and you have some excellent materials to recover and refine and from what the guys are saying some collectable pieces. To my mind it seems a shame not to finish what your father started, with all the information on the forum it's very possible for you or your husband to do this. Sort out the pieces that have a collectable value and sell those and study the processes to recover and refine the rest, your gold and other values are going nowhere unless you throw them out. If your not desperate for the money this can be stored until either you or your husband have the time to get it started, in fact while your husband is serving his country this perhaps might be something for him to study and give him something more to look forward to when his tours end. If you decide this route is not for you I can assure you you have found the only place where values and processes are discussed honestly and openly and there are many good members who could refine this material for you.
I wish you and your family luck and good fortune in which ever decision you reach.
crystalemmaava, my condolences. Your father seems to know very well what he was doing.

The very first practical step i can suggest at the moment is to collect all of the CPU's and start googling the serial numbers on them, you will probably find information for most of what you have in collector galleries and closed eBay auction for approximate value.
If you can't find anything on a specific item, just upload a picture and other details here and i'm sure someone will turn out with an answer.
crystalemmaava by chance was your father a Ham Radio enthusiast

Those large gray box's 2.2 GHZ among some of the other goodies shown in your pictures would indicate he was licensed as Advanced Ham, I hold the lower general license which does not permit my use of the 2.2GHZ band which require the use of satellites.

You may also find hardware related to microwave https://www.rac.ca/en/amateur-radio/operating-technical/vhf-uhf-microwave/microwave/


After receiving my license and call sign I never became active in Ham Radio.
Yes, he was!! Besides refining, he was always taking apart radios and making satellites and such..and I have a ton of them...lol..but im keeping the ones he made...they are very much him. But yes, he was.

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