Easieast way to recover gold

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Aug 14, 2013
please see this video how easy to clean processor ant get gold plated pins.
is there some one to explain me about this.
please see the video
You should stop watching after 45 seconds. That dude do not employ proper safety measures.
Also that process takes much longer than you think, this video was prepared and somehow do not show whole process, dissolved pins will leave you with a lot of dirty solution.

In other words, it look little bit different than on video and it takes longer.

That process is discussed here many times over and if you stop watching youtube and start reading here you will know everything you need. It will take some time. Do not expect to know everything from 2 minutes of youtube video.
If you are lazy to learn just contact them, I am sure they will teach you everything if you pay them enough. I guess that is the purpose of their video but for lack of safety they executed in their advertisement piece - I would not really trust them.
it says an edited video. that is VERY edited. it only shows the clean rinses and none of the dirty solutions.
Geo said:
it says an edited video. that is VERY edited. it only shows the clean rinses and none of the dirty solutions.
Not to mention way too many pins and recovered gold from that many of that type of processor.
Green fiber processors will return around a gram of gold from over a hundred processors if your lucky.
C'mon guys, lighten up. I watched the video (at least about 5 minutes of it), but there was no audio explaining anything. I then went to their website. It raised my blood temperature to almost the boiling point and my blood pressure is up as well.

Adnanchemist, I see you joined our forum on August 14 of this year. If you want to use THEIR methods, have at it. THEY have packages showing all their processes and they start at a mere $400 and go all the way up to an extremely reasonable $3000. I say, if you want to spend (waste) your money, go ahead and spend (waste) your money. In the end, you will get LESS than what is available right here on this forum for FREE. We have the experts here (of which I am NOT one), lots of experts. Too numerous to count experts. I could not begin to name ALL the experts here, and if I did, I would miss many of them. Each of our experts have a vast database of knowledge from which they share their experiences. How many experts do they have? Most likely they learned everything they show in their packages from right here, and have compiled (or copied) their information. Lasersteve has made a series of excellent quality videos, all reasonably priced. I believe Samuel-a may has made some videos as well. It's been a while since I purchased it (actually purchased 2, if memory serves me properly), but joem and Lasersteve worked together and produced a booklet about recovery and refining of Ewaste. It, as well as the videos are first rate professionally produced products which are as good as (if not much better than) ANYTHING on the market. The videos Lasersteve is selling are a steal at $25. You will most likely get more gold than that from your first recovery, as long as you aren't expecting $25 worth of gold from a 4 inch strip of fingers. Visit Lasersteve's website and you'll see a lot of his videos are FREE, just like the information on this forum. This forum and the site set up by the member experts are truly an example that proves THE OLD ADAGE (You get what you pay for) IS WRONG.

If you are still interested in throwing your money away, look up Ishor International. They will provide most anything you need for an exorbitant price. Not only that, but they will freely label common chemicals with misleading names so you have to return to them when you run out. I know this for a fact, because I found them BEFORE I found this forum. If you're still interested in getting rid of some money, send it to an old retired gentleman (ME), or help out everyone here by donating to the forum. It's free because of the generosity of many.

Edited to correct names of experts who produced booklet and videos. THANK YOU FrugalRefiner! Dang, I hope I got that right. After seeing the YouTube video, my brane got fried.
My dear friends I dont want to waste my money thats why I ma here. Soon i will will post my 1st gold extraction with all of my study that i am doing in my lab.

I saw that video late in 2012, and there were many, many people that had posted comments on youtube,
wanting to know what that 'safe' liquid is.

i went to VictoriaInfoSystems' website, and I'll admit it took quite a bit of poking around to find it, but what
they're using is Sodium Cyanide!!!

I then posted a comment onto their youtube page revealing that, and telling people that the Sodium Cyanide was maybe only
a bit less lethal than Potassium Cyanide------------shortly after that, all the comments/questions were deleted from
their page. It must have put a dent in their business. I was just trying to save lives.

I went to their youtube page again before posting tonight, and there are now comments/questions again,
with people still asking what that safe liquid is.....



Instead of looking for an "easy" way to recover gold, why not look for the "right" way to recover the gold from the material you are recovering gold from?

Too many people attempt to fast track their way to success, and too often harm themselves or others in the process. Take the time, learn what you need to learn, ignore those "simple, safe and easy" methods.

If you watch any of the other videos from the same people, you will notice they are using that blue plastic container for recovering silver from x-ray film, then gold from pins, and probably many other things. If their methods were so good, and they were making any serious money from their processes, their videos would be professionally made and they would be using better equipment.

You don't need to know anything about gold refining to know that these jokers are not representing themselves honestly!


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