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Well-known member
Sep 21, 2010
Belleview, FL
Hi everyone,

I am an experienced sales person, but not a chemist or engineer. :cry:

I own a small and growing electronics recycling company, and I am itching to get my hands on some of that gold, instead of always sending it out to others. :twisted:

I am not suited for refining right now, but am beginning to think about how I may be able to start working into capturing some of this gold in the easiest and least complicated way.

Please excuse my ignorance and thanks for your help.

I am wondering if it it might be easier for me to start with an electrolyitc (sp?) tank to strip plated gold from scrap electronic metal parts that don't have plastics, ceramics, or fiberglass like a printed circuit board.

I have looked around, and honestly the information is a bit daunting, so if someone or somemany could give me some advice and possibly point me in the right direction in regards to threads on the subject, I would appreciate it.

Sincerely, Jack
If I were in your position, harvest the fingers off of the boards and process. Check out Steve's website and get his DVD on processing fingers. Pull the CPU and store for later recovery and refining when you are comfortable with processing.
These items are fast to remove, store well and are have good value.
gotthebug2 said:
If I were in your position, harvest the fingers off of the boards and process. Check out Steve's website and get his DVD on processing fingers. Pull the CPU and store for later recovery and refining when you are comfortable with processing.
These items are fast to remove, store well and are have good value.

Thanks gotthebug2.

We are saving RAM, CPU's, and other gold coated metal bits right now.

We are experimenting with the best and easiest way to remove the fingers now, hoping to have that solved by the end of next week.
Processing finger boards is very easy, and the same techniques work for several other types of copper based gold plated scrap. Additionally, the techniques you learn from the DVD processes for refining and melting will apply to any and all gold you recover no matter the source.

Another important note: the Gold Filled DVD will teach you all you need to know to recover gold filled scrap using nitric acid, a reaction that parallels the inquarting process for recovering gold from karat gold scrap. The only additional step you will need to learn is the alloying of the gold and silver as seen on my website in the silver section.

With these two DVDs alone, you should be able to refine nearly all types of gold scrap you will encounter: fingers, karat, gold filled, plated, cpus, and pins.

For silver refining and PGMs you'll want to get my other two DVDs. The Silver DVD covers cell construction, silver digestion, precipitation, casting, and refining. The PGM DVD covers Pt and Pd recovery from catalytic converters, but the techniques you will learn apply to all types of Pt and Pd scrap.

Finger boards are definitely the easiest scrap to learn to process.


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