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Gold Refining Forum

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New member
Dec 25, 2011
hellow my nane is yossi and i iam new here :)

i wanted to know what is the best way to refine gold and other metals for motherboars cpus memory cards and etc.
and i also wanted to know is i must used chemicals or if there is an other system to refine them without chemicals like eletric system or something like that.

thanks very much for that can help me here :)
there's only so much you can do as far as mechanical separation but you cant refine without chemicals. if you cant or wont deal with chemicals you can sell your material as is or find someone to refine it for you at a price. the less work the refiner has to do of coarse the less it will cost to get it done.
and if i want to refine it my self what chemicals i need to use and how??

again thanks for helping :)
yossi28, the first thing you should to is download a copy of c.m. hoke refining precious metal waste
its in several of the members signature line,
yossi28 said:
and if i want to refine it my self what chemicals i need to use and how??

again thanks for helping :)

You are not the first to ask these questions, in fact others before you have probably asked the very same question 100's of times. The search box and some studying on the forum will be your best learning aid to start, as well as Hoke's book which has been suggested for you to study.

I havent been here that long and ill tell you what, seeing the same questions over and over is driving me crazy :roll: Where can i find the most gold,.... what is the quickest way....... what is the easiest way........what do i need... I dont know how you seasoned forum members and mods have delt with it for this long :lol: :lol:
patience and Valium!! no, im just kidding. this could be called the never ending story, its the song that never ends, take your pick. all of us that came to this forum did the same thing and it helps to try and retain a bit of the excitement and thrill of discovery, even if it is someone Else's. when i help someone to find an answer or show someone something they didn't know i get caught up in the excitement of the moment and it keeps it fresh for me. i learned awhile back to not try and answer every question even if i think i know the answer to let some of the newer members a chance to help. everyone should be encouraged to help as much as possible and you don't feel like participating, well then by all means stay silent.

new members do not come to the forum and automatically know forum etiquette or how to use the search feature and will ask questions that pertain to what they are dealing with at the time and that's just a fact. as forum members we came here the same way and were told the same thing as new members now are told "read Hoke's book, study the forum". be kind to people now, you never know who will be in a position to help you later.
slickdogg said:
I havent been here that long and ill tell you what, seeing the same questions over and over is driving me crazy :roll: Where can i find the most gold,.... what is the quickest way....... what is the easiest way........what do i need... I dont know how you seasoned forum members and mods have delt with it for this long :lol: :lol:
Simple. I tell them to read Hoke, and to read until it makes sense. There are questions that have been answered unmentionable numbers of times, with a succeeding post, often in the same thread, asking the same question. They don't want to read, or do any research, they simply want to be spoon fed. "Ain't gonna happen", at least not here.

A person that asks basic questions does not benefit by receiving answers.


Because what they are told often makes no sense, because they lack the basic understanding of refining, or they have read enough misinformation that they may wish to argue a point. We've seen that more than a few times. A classic example is the guy that refuses to listen to the admonition to eliminate base metals before refining the values (another one posted today---and insists he has enjoyed success that way previously). Sure--you can do the refining without doing so, but when things go south, which often happens (as it did in the example I cited), they're at a loss to understand why, and look for every reason in the world to place blame, so long as it's not their choice of procedures. These are perfect candidates for me to ignore, and I often do. Screw them. If they are so damned clever that they won't adhere to sound principles, why should I waste any of my time trying to help?

Part of the problem in this situation is that young Americans have been raised in such a fashion that they don't know how to do anything for themselves. It's encouraged right from the get-go, by those who have set policy in our educational system. Since the 80's, we have been discouraged from learning anything to do with working with our hands, as if, somehow, such work is beneath us. Many also suffer with an entitlement attitude, one whereby they want to know, and are entitled to be told. Such people, here, are generally shown the door. If a reader lacks enough drive to do research and to attempt to learn the basics, so each can discuss issues with those of us who have experience, it's a clear sign, at least to me, that they don't deserve the help, and I make damned sure they don't get it.

Entitlement – Harold – you hit that one right on the nose – I blame it in large part on all the social welfare programs/laws our government has passed & it’s in part what is bankrupting this country. Man don’t get me started it would just make me :evil: :evil: :evil: Besides this forum is not the place to talk politics.

Beside that – the other problem is that all to often when people hear there are PMs in electronics (it’s that word GOLD) they “think” cool – a “quick easy” path to wealth – all I got to do is get my hands on a few computers – tear them down – pick the gold out & I am on my way. --- They don’t really want to work for it – so telling them they need to read Hokes & take time to search the forum for info before asking questions is the first step in sorting out the one’s that just want the gold but have no desire &/or intent to work for it. --- If they don’t want to do the work to learn about it – they certainly are not going to want to do the work required to get it done.

It’s a win – win situation!!! The one’s that just want the gold, but don’t really want to work for it, eliminate them selves when they find out the first work they need to do is read & study - & they win because at that point they can quit wasting their time on something to involved for them. --- And the rest win because quality time is spent instructing those that show enough interest to do their own research FIRST.

i read everything you guys say here and you are right.

i will start reading the book you told me about and search and learn more in the forum.

thank you all for your big help i really appreciate this help :)
When you said about only thinking ,getting some computers,only getting the gold out,some fast wealth with out alot of work....
Hell! I don't think I've ever worked so hard as I have getting the wealth out of computers, but it's been sold parts, steel cases,copper wire,aluminum, and soon my run to Ohio to Boardsort!
Only now! I'll be seeing my big gold button, "How can I get easy gold from computers?" Herold, pleas excuse the text lingo but I can't help myself! LOL! LOL!
If the newbees only knew!

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