OT2BNLA said:
this is one of the reasons why I am so persistent on having a handle on the sorting of things
The point is - all this "sorting" is fine, but without knowing WHERE it is going or WHY you are "sorting" this or that for any particular purpose is an exercise in futility at best.
You seem to be wanting help from those with more experience, but that experience comes from what we have spent endless hours in going through the same thing that you must go through yourself - and one of the hardest lessons in life to face (which is why most people fail...) - you must understand where the 'end' is (in this case, determining if you will sell this stuff or process it is step 1)..... If selling (any particular piece), then you need to know (step 2) who you are selling it to and what THEY will call it - has almost nothing to do with what you think or what others think or do with the pieces they get that are similar (other than if you don't like their answer, then you are back at step 1 again, or at least step 2, where you are looking for a different buyer....)
A wise man once stated "Start with the end in mind" - perhaps you know that, but nothing has been communicated in your messages of your direction/intent (other than your 'rant' about "I am looking at this as a long term profession,something that I can depend on to remove myself from my current position... and not willing to jeopardise everything I have to haveit ripped away from me in an instance...help me to not lose what I have worked so hard for" - loads of strong words when the total dollar amount of all the pictures you have shown is only about $20 - if that is "everything I have" for you, then there is a much more serious problem). We all make at least a good portion of our income from this and I have seen nothing from anyone that can/would "rip away in an instant" anything from a person that approaches any of this sanely - and with little/no emotion (which ALWAYS causes the problems in financial matters)........
You have asked for some quality grades on these boards/material, but by whose standards are you quoting/asking (oh, that would be your potential buyers, huh....)? I quoted where/how I find my terms/names for the board quality (we use boardsort.com as a 'standard', as do many on this board - even other buyers) and it is simple enough to learn from there directly, just like I did (and many others). There are some that I do business with that prefer to have just three levels of boards ('low population', 'medium populated' and 'highly populated' - all referring to the ratio of chips to board size).
If you are using someone else's standard of grading material and that is what you are asking opinions on, then you need to quote it so everyone can help you grade your items against the standard you are expecting to use. But, then, if you are going from any sort of set standard (like one you get from a BUYER.....), you already know what they would be called, wouldn't you..... :?:
It boils down to a simple thing - you will continue to be frustrated and lose not only money, but the help you so desperately appear to feel you need if you continue down the path of entitlement (which is certainly where it seems to be going, from what I've seen - both here and in the many questions you've sent me via YouTube).
Learn from this - until you know where you are going, it really matters little what road you take - right now, or ever. Once you figure that out, you will have answers come to you in droves, simply because you already know where you are going with things (for instance, on that power supply with the nice gold fingers - we snap those fingers and put the rest of it in a 'breakage' box - the tiny bit of copper, etc. in there takes more time than we can afford to put toward it as there are other things that will pay a lot more during that time {yes, I have mouths to feed as well and I prefer to feed them well, which takes money and focusing on doing what pays the most for the time spent).
For each and every card, there will always be a question of "wouldn't that better fit in that box", but the reality is, the per pound rates (at least from boardsort and everyone else I know of) are so minimal on any one board that any MISTAKE you make on any given board is about a $.05 one. Oh, yes, I'm sure you want to argue that those nickels stack up, but until/unless you are prepared to discuss the value of TIME LOST in worrying about it (which even for a $10 worker is only a few seconds - add it up!.....), I really don't want to hear about it.
This will be my last post on this topic (or you sending me more messages via YouTube) as it appears the type of help I'm trying to give isn't welcomed. I know there is something else I can do with my time that will be more productive and appreciated.