Excellent bottles on sale for a great price!

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Staff member
Nov 4, 2007
Rhodia Drive
So I hopped on ebay today to look for some FEP tubing and look what I found:


He has bunches of these superior bottles for amazing prices. (These are extremely expensive bottles anywhere else, see http://www.microscopes.com/ms-nl-ln-2100-0008.html)

I have no affiliation with him, but I can vouch that the bottles are very good for containing any chemical we could hope to deal with (as in any acid).

For those not familiar with FEP:

I like them because they're chemically inert, non-leaching, and they don't break and spill nasties out if they fall (never had one bust its seams).
Wow, those are expensive bottles. Borosilicate bottles are pretty high too. I've been wondering if there might b a second hand source for borosilicate bottles.

I'm glad I saw Lou's post on these bottles. I have eight of them I got when I bought out a fellow Go Kart racer. He pre-measured 14 oz. of oil to make quick oil changes in the pits on race day.

I'm going to try to clean them up with a degreaser. Does anyone have a suggestion as to how to get them clean enough to store my homemade nitric and concentrated sulphuric?

I almost threw them out while cleaning my garage last weekend and, now that I've seen how much they cost, I'm glad I didn't!
Assuming they are indeed FEP (I have no idea why he would need bottles like that).

I'd clean them out with solvent, then soap and water, then after that, just boil them in nitric acid (that's what Nalgene recommends).

I'm not positive, but they sure look very much like the bottles pictured on their website. We have several large chemical companies in the area - Shell (now Kraton) Polymers, Chevron/American Styrenics (now a part of Dow), DeGussa Carbon Black, Eramet Metals - and you know how employees can be about dragging home small useful items from work. I'll clean them per your instructions and, if they survive the nitric boil, I'll know if they'll work for me or not.

Thanks for the quick response!
Trust me, they'll survive. Those bottles are nothing short of amazing. I'm not joking when I say this either.

Thanks Lou.

I picked up 5 of the smaller ones. :D

Impressively, they arrived the next day. Whatever lab used these just crudely scratched contents info into the surface. They all appear to have contained isopropanol and distilled water and mixtures of the two in various proportions. I guess if you don't spend all the funding money, you don't get more. :wink: Very nice and heavy feeling (density should be 2.15g/mL).