Feed store terms for Urea?

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Well-known member
Dec 26, 2008
North Carolina
I have called allot of feed stores, lawn and garden stores today and no one seems to know the term Urea, does anyone know what I might ask for in Layterms to get urea from the stores listed above?

when I ask for it thiers a pause of silence then I have never heard of it :)
Go figure


Also, many things are found w/ yahoo or google searches.

--More than 90% of world production is destined for use as a fertilizer. Urea has the highest nitrogen content of all solid nitrogenous fertilizers in common use (46.7%). Therefore, it has the lowest transportation costs per unit of nitrogen nutrient.

Urea is highly soluble in water and is, therefore, also very suitable for use in fertilizer solutions (in combination with ammonium nitrate: UAN), e.g., in 'foliar feed' fertilizers--

That's from the first link I posted earlier.

Because there are many forms of nitrogen fertilizer don't rely on the solely on the fertilizer numbers. I suspect you will need to shop where the pros shop. Farmers and lawn specialists don't buy additives they don't need. If based on a soil test they need nitrogen only they wont buy a blend. That's where you are most likely to find urea marked as such.
Urea is urea. It will be labeled as such if it is pure (i.e. not a mix).
Ive never seen it labeled as anything but Urea, though it can be marketed as fertilizer or ice melt.
Great Answers, that should help me find some.

Next time I will ask them about ordering some, Maybe I will get somewhere foloowing that route.

Go to a couple garden centers or Lowe's & look around at the fertilizers. As GSP wrote, just look for 46-0-0 yourself or ask someone to help you find it...there's a good chance it will say Urea on the bag, but that doesn't mean anyone working there will know that or have it committed to memory.

If nothing else, you can probably order it online from Home Depot and pick it up at the local branch if they don't already have it in stock.

jamthe3 said:

Go to a couple garden centers or Lowe's & look around at the fertilizers. As GSP wrote, just look for 46-0-0 yourself or ask someone to help you find it...there's a good chance it will say Urea on the bag, but that doesn't mean anyone working there will know that or have it committed to memory.

If nothing else, you can probably order it online from Home Depot and pick it up at the local branch if they don't already have it in stock.


I will try lowes online, I have found it on ebay since the last post, I just hate buyinh online and doing the shipping thing if it can be avoided.

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