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Filter paper?

Gold Refining Forum

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Since I discovered the stainless steel "Scoopula" about 40 years ago, I have always had 4 or 5 of them laying around the lab and one in my lab coat pocket. They have many uses, one of which is raising the edges of filter papers in a vacuum funnel. They are great for breaking up clumped-up chemicals. They are also about the best thing for transferring dry chemicals to a scale or a beaker. Wooden handles are available but I didn't have much use for them. Scoopulas are cheap. I found one place on the internet where they are selling for $1.60 each (see 2nd link below). Most places want $3 or $4.


Well i'll be darn! Seems like every time i think i've learned it all, up jumps something new.
The Scoopula ! :twisted:
I've got to have one if for nothing else curiosity!
I use IndoMaret (a local ubiquitous 7-11 type chain) own brand paper hand towels, tisu handuk; 150 sheets, less than $1. Each sheet I cut to size and pop (smooth side up, dimple side down) into a kitchen plastic mesh tea strainer/flour sifter; three sizes (less than $1 each), one for each of my 250, 500, 1000 ml pyrex beakers. When the base of the filter is clogged, liquid can still filter out via the sides.

Although scraping sediment off wet (thin) paper is risky, I drop the combo onto a sheet of newspaper and let it dry out. No problem.

This low tech solution was originally a matter of necessity, but it works great and I have no incentive to move over to a more expensive solution.
It looks like one could almost make a scoopula out of a pipe, using a peanut grinder perhaps, if one was like me, and rather cheap. The stainless steel however might make this too difficult of course. :idea: