Greetings list,
Thank you in advance for your time and consideration. I have searched the site and not found an answer to my issue.
I am dropping various salts out of solution and then vacuum filtering them off. I am using a five liter vacuum flask with a 500ml Buckner funnel and standard filter paper. My pump tops out at 21 inches of vacuum. Once full, the filtration slows to a drip and then it is all day and night to complete and dry the filter cake. I have ordered a larger B.funnel and more vac flasks but think there may be a better way.
Any suggestions? Does anyone know of a faster way to do this? Maybe a centrifuge type of system or??? I need to filter pounds of sludge from my syrup like AR and this is also slow. Every step is restricted because of this filtration bottle neck.
Thank you again.
CW :shock:
Thank you in advance for your time and consideration. I have searched the site and not found an answer to my issue.
I am dropping various salts out of solution and then vacuum filtering them off. I am using a five liter vacuum flask with a 500ml Buckner funnel and standard filter paper. My pump tops out at 21 inches of vacuum. Once full, the filtration slows to a drip and then it is all day and night to complete and dry the filter cake. I have ordered a larger B.funnel and more vac flasks but think there may be a better way.
Any suggestions? Does anyone know of a faster way to do this? Maybe a centrifuge type of system or??? I need to filter pounds of sludge from my syrup like AR and this is also slow. Every step is restricted because of this filtration bottle neck.
Thank you again.
CW :shock: