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Well-known member
Jul 25, 2012
Ok...i've read hoke...taken notes...ive read the forums...taken notes...Ive been scrapping for awhile...Ive collected: copper, aluminum, steel, and brass...processed a couple hundred pounds of electronic scrap as far as I can saving for pm recovery...I have a few hundred pounds more to process (im an electrical engineering this was all free stuff)...I have prepared close to a hundred cell phones for pm reclamation...and i have been investing in sterling and junk gold jewelry...I have everything I need chemical wise, except nitric (on the will arrive within two weeks)...all the ppe (i have been painting cars for a living now for close to five years so i have a healthy respect for harsh chemicals), and additional glassware...all of this was done without starving myself IE all my bills are paid and i still have savings (full time scrapping on the side) is about to start i will be working less...probably a little more time for scrapping...i think i finally feel comfortable enough to begin pm recovery...i would like to say that I do not think I know it all...but i feel "comfortable" with the AR process...could anyone give me advice?...what should you have been told when you first started doing this?...thanks in advance gentlemen and ladies...regards - meh
IMHO, that's an easy call. Pick ONE process and master it.

The consensus seems to be either acid peroxide (AP) for board fingers or Sulfuric cell for pins as simple processes to start with.

Take notes. Seek to improve your procedures. Search for particular hints or insights. Keep studying.
Like element suggested start with the AP process on some ram fingers. It's a good learning tool to get to understand the chemical reaction involved. Go back and read what you have on that process and know what you're doing BEFORE you start. After you have recovered the foils wash them in boiling HCl and dissolve with HCl/Cl. That will show you another fairly simple procedure. Filter you solution and drop the gold with your choice of precipitant. Yet another lesson. Make sure that you follow Harold's washing directions for the resulting powders. Do a second refining if you want quality gold. Then if you're comfortable and have the equipment, you get to melt your first bead. If you have any questions along the way, just ask here and someone will guide you. It sounds like you've done your homework.........just be safe!
NOTE: I have not included every step that is required for your success. Just the basics. The rest is up to you. Let us know how things are going along the way. Good Luck, John.
You didn't mention that you had read and studied Hokes!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the advice!... 8) ...I do need to study the AP process a little more.

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