First Gold Button

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Well-known member
Jul 25, 2012
This is my first attempt at recovery and refining gold. Every thing went well other than I am having problems removing the flux (borax) from the button itself, Also removing flux from silver. But other than that the button in the picture is two grams even. And in my humble opinion fairly pure. What do you guys think?


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it looks shiny, but i dont see a pipe... still a nice button

you should boil it in dilute sulfuric acid to remove the borax
Boiling it worked...I actually remelted it and it now has a nice pipe..I think I used to much flux the first go round..the reason that I remelted it is I took it to a jewelery store to have its purity tested..he has a machine that tests via an electric lit up all the way to 24k and then one over..meaning that its not gold..?..not quite sure how that acid test showed 24k

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