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Sep 21, 2011
I have my vessels of green solution, on the bottom is what I am assuming is salts? its crystals of white...Anyhow, my next step is to filter, correct? what do I do with the solids left in the bottom of my vessels? I know I need to rinse them but with what? Also after rinsing and have my emerald green clear solution and only want the gold and platinum what is my next step? what chemical do I use to drop gold? actually if someone could give me step by step procedures it would help, I have been reading so much variations of methods all I am is confused now. please help me do something with all this royal water. also I have no idea how much gold and other metals i dissolved, it was all flour gold and all the heavy metals left after running in the blue bowl concentrator.
Tell us what you did, how you did it, and what chemicals you used. We need a better description than this. Welcome to the forum.
Are you following instructions that came with some contraption you purchased? If so, tell us what you bought and what you have done so far. Be specific about what chemicals you used and how much.
In Palladium's post's you will find a link to HOKE's book, reading that would be my first step.

The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits. Albert Einstein
1. Refining Precious Metal Wastes C.M. Hoke
(REV) (Free Download)
2. Get the (FREE) Gold Refining Forum Handbook VOL 1 here >>
3. Get the (FREE) Gold Refining Forum Handbook VOL 2 (Final) here >>
4. Chemistry Handbooks Here (FREE) >>

If you dissolved black sand in aqua regia you may just have iron in solution and the gold cemented out in powders, or gold in both solution and powders, green could be Iron or copper (did you test with stannous chloride after de-noxxing solution? There’s so much you will need to learn before attempting this, it would take a book to explain and the best is Hokes she will teach you all of the basics, she doesn’t deal much with ore or electronics but covers all of the basics you need to understand before working with them.

I would cement solution with copper save all of the powders, neutralize the powders with sodium hydroxide solution and dry and store, treat solution by putting an Iron bar in it to precipitate copper and metals lower than iron, separate these powders, treat neutralize the solution, you can read more about this in the post's of dealing with waste's.
Get some Stannous to test with. Here is a link to make it your self:
I have 100 g of stannous chloride in powder form and I know what colors I want to see when it meets my solution. I can read all through the internet for many different suggestions on the web but I want to just go about this one step at a time or day by day and from the same source. What are the amounts to mix up with the Stannous? In case you was wondering, I have my protective gear, I was a hazmat technician before I retired from the Fire Dept., however we didn't do anything with noble metals in solution so hope we understand why I need my hand held for this part. I have all my chemicals except dropping out the different metals, and who knows I might have them? What chemical or mixture do I use to drop out Gold and Platinum, The Silver is easy, I have that one down, of course I do, since Silver prices aren't much and they just took a nosedive, but so did gold. So, what do I need for the Gold and Platinum drop? Somebody mentioned dissolving my black sand!? come on now, shoulda just called me an idiot! I had my location assayed and it is really quite good but black sand? Arghh! jeez...I know my metals if using a microscope..its small stuff and nobody I know buys powdered metal. I will get back later on this week to see what important message is waiting have for me. I'm goin a little slow right now, I have a few things going on all at once like blasting, transporting and crushing, processing. I also have 100ml of atomic spectroscopy gold chloride<1 ml = 1mg Au>. Could I use this for anything since I don't have an atomic absorption spectroscope? seems I could just drop the gold out of it right? but how much would be in it? can anyone do the math?
I might seem like a clown but its strictly biznuss when i'm working with killers.
Thank You so much for all you folks help,
Shotgun Willie,.aka, Chad

How can anyone determine what would be your best next step, if they don't know what the composition is of the raw materials you started with, or what chemicals are in your solution?


Shotgun Willie,.aka, Chad, Hello

Somebody mentioned dissolving my black sand!? come on now, shoulda just called me an idiot! I had my location assayed and it is really quite good but black sand? Arghh! jeez...I know my metals if using a microscope..its small stuff and nobody I know buys powdered metal.

You are the one that mentioned ore, I was assuming this was concentrates, which contain Iron, or were black sand, if we want more detailed answers we need to give detailed descriptions of what we are processing and what steps we took to get to where we are in a process.

No I do not think you an idiot, leaching black sand or ore is similar, did you roast the ore, what is the ore composition (its chemistry is important to pre-treat the ore, what pretreatments have you done, how did you remove base metals from your values, have taken a sample and split it in half have you had one half of sample assayed and try leaching experiments on other half sample to find if your leach was working to get the gold or values? How have you tested solutions for values? Do you understand how different metals react in the acids you’re using and what metals you have in your ore, do you know the anions your ore is composed of so an approach will work?
Do you understand the principles in refining what base metals do to solutions with gold dissolved in them? And what reactions these metals show in colors or how to test for them,
Do you understand that aqua regia is not well suited to leach un pretreated ore, do you already understand how to precipitate selectively each valuable metal from your acid (and what metals you have or have not in this solution)? The questions can go on and on.

If you cannot answer them then I would reconsider my first advice to you above, cement save and spend time reading HOKE’s book, also some more study on ore, it is much more complicated that just dissolving copper and gold metals

No I do not take you for an idiot but as someone that (“was a hazmat technician before I retired from the Fire Dept.)” I think you understand that we need some training before we run into burning buildings, same with refining the training only prepares us of what to expect when we get in there, and also gives us some clue of what we will be facing and how to deal with it.

I do not think you an idiot and please don’t take me for one either, I would like to see you become successful in processing this ore, and for you to share with us what you learned from processing this ore, let just help each other here.

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