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Jul 2, 2010
hello all after help and advice from members on my post last night i boiled my green auric cloride today added more smb after it cooled and now heres what happend the solution turned brown rightaway then went clear after setting 4 hours the solution went back to light green with what should be the brown settlement on the bottom of the cylinder,is now 1/4 inch thick floating on top,, any thoughts???????? thanks bob
Bob -- You really should have continued using the thread where you originally described what you were doing. Please link your old thread to this one or explain the process that you used to make the auric chloride.
Auric chloride solution should be yellow. A green solution sounds like copper is present.

Did you test the solution with stannous chloride? The gold may still be in solution.
One very common mistake for noobies is to fail to remove the oxidizer (nitric acid or excess chlorine). The excess turns the gold back into auric chloride. You'll know that this happened because your stannous test will be purple.
chemist said:
One very common mistake for noobies is to fail to remove the oxidizer (nitric acid or excess chlorine)

So simple, so true, and so common. Great highlight!
Lino is correct, but I would prefer to not waste reagents. Mix some AR, add SMB, and you can watch the red nox gas come off. Some beginners will use so much nitric that they may even reach the saturation point of the sodium before the have rid the solution of oxidizers.

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