first try.????

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Jul 2, 2010
hello all i am sure that i messed up already but i gave it a try this is what happend i had 120 grams gold plated verry small pieces of chains and tiney beads so i decided to go with muratic acid and clorox i let it work alittle bit then i heated it up all looked good had a nice yellow gold color let it sit and cool filterd then smb(bonide stump out) now i have approx.3cups of verry light green liquid with small amount of white chalky to salty looking styff on the bottom of my glass beaker help please!!!!!!!! oh yeah stannous test in green liquid shows verry light purple
oh yeah stannous test in green liquid shows verry light purple

You didn't drip the stannous chloride into the acid did you? It's better to drip a few drops of the solution to be tested on a piece of paper towel and drip the stannous on the towel. A slight purple indication if you dropped the stannous into the green liquid can be significant. Test on a paper towel or a Q tip, if it leaves a significant dark stain you still have gold in solution.

You may still have oxidizer in the solution, heat the green liquid to a boil let it cool and add more SMB. Add slowly and test (on a towel or Q tip) until there is no more stain.

Your gold should be on the bottom. These days decorative gold plating can be mighty thin so you may not be getting a lot of gold out. It all depends on what type of scrap you started with.
hello thank you for the reply i did the stannous test with q tip the material i stated with was gold plated chains and beads 120 grams after stripping. all the gold was plated over copper.i thing my green solution has a lot of copper in it
hello baronrealms .. i have no nitric acid yet so i new the pieces were to small for my cell i have no copper mesh for that next best bet i thought would be hcl and clorox but now i am stuck ...
rsbubba3 said:
hello all i am sure that i messed up already but i gave it a try this is what happend i had 120 grams gold plated verry small pieces of chains and tiney beads

rsbubba3, this appears to be perfect for a micro gold stripping cell, then follow Lazersteve's instructions to finish refining.

Read the Forum some more, and try and get a better understanding before you try any more experiments.

Good luck, Gary
rsbubba3 said:
hello baronrealms .. i have no nitric acid yet so i new the pieces were to small for my cell i have no copper mesh for that next best bet i thought would be hcl and clorox but now i am stuck ...

You would probably have less problem if you had run them in a cell. You don't have to have copper mesh to run a cell. You just needed a container big enough to put an item in and be able to attach your electrodes.

4metals might be correct, he has more experience than I do.

Depending on how much clorox you put in the solution will depend on how much of a problem you are going to have recovering your values. Boiling would remove the excess SMB and possibly put it in your solution. You might consider filtering or just let everything settle and siphon off your solution. Then add water to it again depending on how much clorox you used will determine how much you have to evaporate your solution to remove the chlorine produced from the clorox.

Get a copy of Hokes and start reading. And spend some time doing searches here on the forum before you try anything else.
Barren Realms 007 said:
rsbubba3 said:
hello baronrealms .. i have no nitric acid yet so i new the pieces were to small for my cell i have no copper mesh for that next best bet i thought would be hcl and clorox but now i am stuck ...

You would probably have less problem if you had run them in a cell. You don't have to have copper mesh to run a cell. You just needed a container big enough to put an item in and be able to attach your electrodes.

4metals might be correct, he has more experience than I do.

Depending on how much clorox you put in the solution will depend on how much of a problem you are going to have recovering your values. Boiling would remove the excess SMB and possibly put it in your solution. You might consider filtering or just let everything settle and siphon off your solution. Then add water to it again depending on how much clorox you used will determine how much you have to evaporate your solution to remove the chlorine produced from the clorox.

Get a copy of Hokes and start reading. And spend some time doing searches here on the forum before you try anything else.
i have a copy of hoak and i have been reading every day on the forum i also bought lazersteves dvd on gold plate and filled but i was never any good at learning by reading i have to get my hands dirty to learn and as stated in hoaks book expariment to learn reactions... but i think i went with to much to begin with lol
thank you for your reply
rsbubba3 said:
hello baronrealms .. i have no nitric acid yet so i new the pieces were to small for my cell i have no copper mesh for that next best bet i thought would be hcl and clorox but now i am stuck ...

This complete thread should go to NULL.

Read the following chapters from the digital copy of Hokes. covers how to deal with unwanted base metals.


Kind of materials. Equipment and chemicals. (I) Gen
eral cleaning. (2) Removing base metals. (3) Removing
gold. (4) Removing silver chloride. (5) Melting the
platinum. (6) Recovering dissolved platinum. (7) Burn


Materials discussed. Determining the method of disposal.
Two extreme cases. Part I. The shop of moderate size.
Procedure for floor sweeps. Equipment for dressing floor
sweeps. Procedure for wash-barrel residues. For old
crucibles. Flue dust. Paper storage. Polishings, grind-
ings, old aprons, floors, etc. Old solutions. Fluxes for use
with low grade wastes. Litharge. Lead buttons. Cupella
tion. If platinum is the only precious metal. Part II. The
large plant. Amalgamation not profitable. Disposal of the
final fine dust. Sampling. Questions and answers.
4metals said:
oh yeah stannous test in green liquid shows verry light purple

You didn't drip the stannous chloride into the acid did you? It's better to drip a few drops of the solution to be tested on a piece of paper towel and drip the stannous on the towel. A slight purple indication if you dropped the stannous into the green liquid can be significant. Test on a paper towel or a Q tip, if it leaves a significant dark stain you still have gold in solution.

You may still have oxidizer in the solution, heat the green liquid to a boil let it cool and add more SMB. Add slowly and test (on a towel or Q tip) until there is no more stain.

Your gold should be on the bottom. These days decorative gold plating can be mighty thin so you may not be getting a lot of gold out. It all depends on what type of scrap you started with.
hello 4 metals ok when i heat the green liquid to a boil it turns a golden yellow color as soon as it cools goes back to the light green color is this normal

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