Hey Guys And Gals, I've been loving this site for a while, and love the hobby. I set up a fume hood in what shoulda been a walk in closet off my bedroom. I have a 5 gallon bucket 80% to the top with AP,(from here on out referred to as "random bucket") . And a smaller one of AP just for high grade ore, or the fingers. So for the past year I've been processing small batches of fingers here and there and had some good luck and some cruddy luck, but at the end of the day it was more enjoyment than disappointment. So for the past year I was always collecting and, separating, thin pins and tons of flash plate from cell phones and other plated material that i was curious to see it eat. I kept adding these depopulated (always cut or scraped these boards to keep the gunk in check) to my big "random bucket", . I hadn't poured off this bucket until recently. And now I'm kinda stuck. The sediment is so fine from the flash plate it's difficult to decant, and speckled through out from the thicker plate on the pins. When I finally filtered/decanted the Random, I found about an inch of sediment on the bottom, I poured off as much liquid as possible and with a heating pad underneath I tried to dry the sediment in the bottom. This resulted in a layer of emerald green copper crystals on top, and black and tan silt with gold fleck. So...as a long time reader and a first time search engine fail victim, I'm asking all ya forum forefathers what the heck should i do next? I know water to rid it of the copper crystals and boiling water to get rid of the lead oxide, what else is what I'm asking. I realize now this was a silly thing to do, but....Oops! Where do I go from here? I'll post pics of the big Random tomorrow.