Foam and bubble during cyanide leaching

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Jan 8, 2020
halo semuanya saya dari indonesia..saya mau tanya tentang munculnya busa dan gelembung pada proses sianida. bahan low sulfide digiling sehingga lolos 150 mesh. kemudian saya masukkan kapur sebanyak 5kg dan naoh sebanyak 1kg. setelah tercampur muncul gelembung dan saya biarkan selama 12 jam busa dan gelembung bertambah. setelah 12 jam saya masukkan h2o2 sebanyak kurang lebih 200ml dan busa dan gelembung bertambah. kemudian saya masukkan nacn sebanyak 600 gram dan sedikit pbno3. saya biarkan selama 4 jam kemudian saya masukkan karbon aktif. setelah 24 jam busa dan gelembung tidak berkurang tetapi bertambah. menurut pengalaman saya setelah memasukkan karbon biasanya busa berkurang. tetapi pada proses ini busa tidak berkurang sama sekali. pertanyaan saya apakah busa dan gelembung tersebut mengandung logam atau hanya reaksi. terima kasih


  • VID-20250116-WA0044.mp4
    3.5 MB
  • VID-20250117-WA0026.mp4
    3.4 MB
  • VID-20250118-WA0002.mp4
    4.6 MB
halo semuanya saya dari indonesia..saya mau tanya tentang munculnya busa dan gelembung pada proses sianida. bahan low sulfide digiling sehingga lolos 150 mesh. kemudian saya masukkan kapur sebanyak 5kg dan naoh sebanyak 1kg. setelah tercampur muncul gelembung dan saya biarkan selama 12 jam busa dan gelembung bertambah. setelah 12 jam saya masukkan h2o2 sebanyak kurang lebih 200ml dan busa dan gelembung bertambah. kemudian saya masukkan nacn sebanyak 600 gram dan sedikit pbno3. saya biarkan selama 4 jam kemudian saya masukkan karbon aktif. setelah 24 jam busa dan gelembung tidak berkurang tetapi bertambah. menurut pengalaman saya setelah memasukkan karbon biasanya busa berkurang. tetapi pada proses ini busa tidak berkurang sama sekali. pertanyaan saya apakah busa dan gelembung tersebut mengandung logam atau hanya reaksi. terima kasih
first video after kaput and naoh are added. second video after h2o2 is added and cyanide is given. third video after 24 hours of activated carbon is added
halo semuanya saya dari indonesia..saya mau tanya tentang munculnya busa dan gelembung pada proses sianida. bahan low sulfide digiling sehingga lolos 150 mesh. kemudian saya masukkan kapur sebanyak 5kg dan naoh sebanyak 1kg. setelah tercampur muncul gelembung dan saya biarkan selama 12 jam busa dan gelembung bertambah. setelah 12 jam saya masukkan h2o2 sebanyak kurang lebih 200ml dan busa dan gelembung bertambah. kemudian saya masukkan nacn sebanyak 600 gram dan sedikit pbno3. saya biarkan selama 4 jam kemudian saya masukkan karbon aktif. setelah 24 jam busa dan gelembung tidak berkurang tetapi bertambah. menurut pengalaman saya setelah memasukkan karbon biasanya busa berkurang. tetapi pada proses ini busa tidak berkurang sama sekali. pertanyaan saya apakah busa dan gelembung tersebut mengandung logam atau hanya reaksi. terima kasih
English please.
English please.
hello everyone i am from indonesia..i want to ask about the appearance of foam and bubbles in the cyanide process. low sulfide material is ground so that it passes 150 mesh. then i put in 5kg of lime and 1kg of naoh. after mixing bubbles appear and i leave it for 12 hours the foam and bubbles increase. after 12 hours i put in h2o2 as much as approximately 200ml and the foam and bubbles increase. then i put in 600 grams of nacn and a little pbno3. i leave it for 4 hours then i put in activated carbon. after 24 hours the foam and bubbles do not decrease but increase. in my experience after putting in carbon usually the foam decreases. but in this process the foam does not decrease at all. my question is do the foam and bubbles contain metal or are they just reactions. thank you
hello everyone i am from indonesia..i want to ask about the appearance of foam and bubbles in the cyanide process. low sulfide material is ground so that it passes 150 mesh. then i put in 5kg of lime and 1kg of naoh. after mixing bubbles appear and i leave it for 12 hours the foam and bubbles increase. after 12 hours i put in h2o2 as much as approximately 200ml and the foam and bubbles increase. then i put in 600 grams of nacn and a little pbno3. i leave it for 4 hours then i put in activated carbon. after 24 hours the foam and bubbles do not decrease but increase. in my experience after putting in carbon usually the foam decreases. but in this process the foam does not decrease at all. my question is do the foam and bubbles contain metal or are they just reactions. thank you
last measurement
Ph 11.66
Do 9.1 mg/l
hello everyone i am from indonesia..i want to ask about the appearance of foam and bubbles in the cyanide process. low sulfide material is ground so that it passes 150 mesh. then i put in 5kg of lime and 1kg of naoh. after mixing bubbles appear and i leave it for 12 hours the foam and bubbles increase. after 12 hours i put in h2o2 as much as approximately 200ml and the foam and bubbles increase. then i put in 600 grams of nacn and a little pbno3. i leave it for 4 hours then i put in activated carbon. after 24 hours the foam and bubbles do not decrease but increase. in my experience after putting in carbon usually the foam decreases. but in this process the foam does not decrease at all. my question is do the foam and bubbles contain metal or are they just reactions. thank you
What has changed in your process?
New material or new chemicals?
The most likely explanation for your reactions is that you have a rock type which will undergo an alkali - silicate reaction when water and lime/caustic are added to a finely milled sample.
Usually there is substantial gel formation during this reaction.
Without carrying out a large number of tests to find the controlling conditions for your particular ore sample I recommend that you try the following tests.
Run your pulp at 50, 40 and 30% solids, your photos indicate you have a much higher pulp density.
Maintain a pH of 11 using either lime or caustic, do not mix these reagents.
I presume when you say 150 mesh you are referring to the US screen sizing, your photos appear to show a much finer sizing.
This may be because the reaction causing your problem has lessened your particle size over time or alternatively your natural milling profile shows a high fines generation.
Running peroxide will oxidise much of your cyanide, you should be able to get a dissolved oxygen level of around 6-7 just from air if you drop the pulp density.
If the problem is an alkali-silicate reaction you may be able to minimise it by changing to an alternative milling method such as rod milling or staged jaw crushing.
If the problem is an alkali-silicate reaction it will also cause you problems with carbon adsorption and stripping so it is in your interest to minimise this reaction.

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