gold brick from mixed materials

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May 24, 2013
hi everyone its your favorite kid in a crane and i have a concern about a gold brick that i have aquired. in the description of it. it said that it was 12-18% gold and the rest is diferent materials such as computer fingers, jewlery and other material. i was just wondering what would be the best way to go about processing the the bar, would the ap method be sufficent or another way. thank you for you time.
AP would not do. Dissolve base metal in Nitric. You may have to shot the material first, tho I have done 1 kilo bars of gold filled whole, you will get faster results with shot. How big is the bar? Or (plug) You can send it to me and I will do it for you. :)
A lot of people are selling "gold" from melted pins on eBay. This is usually a scam as there is almost no gold in the mixture and recovering it is made more difficult by melting it. You could remelt it and make corn flakes out of it. If Harold V was still actively associating with the forum, I'm pretty sure he would say to inquart the mixture. He was one of the most colorful and fun members on the forum. He was also one of the most knowledgeable. His absence is greatly missed and I hope that he will rejoin us again.

Please keep us informed of how you process this. Good luck!
If my math is right, 18% is a bit over 4k, so there's no need of inquarting. He should make shot or corn flakes, and proceed to digest in 50/50 nitric.
Then follow with the AR or HCl/Cl process, depending on the amount of gold recovered.

Our beloved Harold is still active, he just posted yesterday:

Take care, gentlemen!
redneckdude said:
in the description of it. it said that it was 12-18% gold and the rest is diferent materials such as computer fingers, jewlery and other material.

Ebay sellers never lie about gold content. Right?

yeah I know they lie hahahahaha it probably aint much there but it was like a one dollar bid so maybe nothing in it or a little but you know if I could get even one gram of gold out of it that would make it worth I think or maybe not.
another question I had was is if you have gold filled jewelry and you were to use the acid peroxide method would it do the trick. I have got a whole bunch of gold plated and gold filled jewelry. i know that the ap method would work for the gp lewlery but what about the gold filled.
Sulphuic cell for the gold plated; the GF I would incinerate first, then run thru 50/50 nitric, until the base metals are dissolved; then run the gold thru AR.

I would probably not bother with refining it, more than likely you will just waste your chemicals. It's not the dollar you threw away on the metal, at least you bought a piece of art :p It'll be the time and chemicals that will cost you the most. You won't find a gram in there. So you have the link to the sale? I'd like to see the seller's info.

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