gold locked powder

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arthur kierski

Well-known member
Feb 10, 2008
são paulo---brazil
i have some powder with gold in it and have extreme dificulty to obtain the gold free from it------i know that is gold because over this powder i made many operations like:ar,hcl-cl,hcl-h2o2 and in all these processes the solutions were tested with stanous chloride and gave the typical purple gold collor result---but the weight of the resultant powder diminished very little----please help and sugestions is welcome
thanks to all
I agree with Nick.

I would also ask if you tried precipitating gold from any of these solutions you got a positive stannous test on, just to eliminate the possibility of a false positive stannous test.
Arthur have or do you use cyanide? If you do or can wash ,dry and incinerate the powder and try a small amount in a cyanide leach,this might work if the acids don't.
nickvc and dtectr: i use gold stripper(cianide leach) and did not have the idea of using it in this powder---i will do it tomorrow----thanks
dtectr,i just want to reclaim this gold---$1300 an ounce------
I'm a little confused on your description, but I'd like you to entertain this thought.

Cyanide is not used for refining. It isn't selective, although it can be limited to dissolving only precious metals by using it very dilute (.02% or less).

What I'd suggest you do with this material is give it a good incineration, then give it a wash in dilute nitric, followed by a good rinse with (tap) water. Follow that operation with another incineration (to kill the nitric), then follow up with a second wash in HCl. Crush the material with a mortar and pestle after each incineration, and screen if necessary. Each incineration should take the material to a dull red heat, but do not melt.

After the second wash, rinse (tap water is acceptable) until the rinse solution is clear of color, then dissolve the material using AR, evaporate, adding a few drops of sulfuric acid, filter and precipitate. Apply a good washing procedure after precipitation. By following these processes, you will have effectively removed any troublesome materials and will have a solution that lends itself to easy filtration. The end product should be of excellent quality.

First off I wish to say that Harold is very correct in the advice he has given as it applies to most materials. And I'm not going to touch on the cyanide part, pun intended.

However, (here is the big but) the above process does not address chloride compounds made when digesting with AR as a beginning process. The AR, HCl/H2O2, or the HCl/Cl2 that Arthur said he tried would have formed chloride compounds with some elements, if the nitric soluble materials were not first removed. Arthur never stated the source that this material came from, but I have made some assumptions based on his prior postings here. He has good access to chemicals inexpensively that most do not have, and processes a lot of electronics. He also hits many things with a “club” chemically speaking, because he can cost effectively. This means that he may have silver, lead, or mercury chlorides that will not be eliminated by regular incinerations between HCl and HNO3 digestions once they have been formed without great hazard.

If I am right in my assumptions as to chlorides, taking silver, lead, or mercury chloride to a red heat will start volatilizing these salts. None of these are good to breath and the mercury could kill you rather quickly. Of the 3 silver would be the least harmful to breath (GSP knew a guy that died from it) but the idea is to keep your values.

I would think that at a minimum Arthur should first determine if silver or lead is present in this mass as a chloride (mercury is unlikely, and he should know if mercury is a possibility based on his feedstock) that he is having trouble getting his gold out of.

Those that have run much karat gold can attest to the fact that silver and lead chloride do a good job of encapsulating values, and this could easily be Arthur's difficulty. I would start with hot water for lead (then chilling), and then ammonia for silver (be sure to acidify, HCl preferably) on some small samples to see if they may be the culprits.

I must admit I am shooting in the dark here as the feedstock is not known. I just felt that although Harold's advice is perfect for most once refined materials, it lacks a bit when a chloride has already been formed. This is why we try to eliminate base metals and silver before other digestions in most cases.

I am not trying to discount tried and true processes, but this may be a case where they fail to deliver.

Input, suggestions, and criticism is always welcomed.
thanks Harold---i am going to my lab now and do what your kindly explained to me----
the cyanide leach solution that i have is a comercial formulae which i use sometimes to deplate gold from pins and other itens containing exposed gold platings---it costs $5 a liter and 1liter deplates up to 8grams of gold--i will do a try with this also.
tonight in my return i will tell all what happened----
thanks for your help
Oz,i just read your thread before leaving and you are right on your thoughts. the material used to make this powder originated from eletronics, like black chips and fingers and contacts-- these material was previously incinerated(the chips) and then nitric and then ar-----the contacts and the pins were previously used 1:1nitric and then the foils treated with ar or hcl-cl to obtain the gold----this powder(problem) is originated from the second purification---in other words after obtaining the gold from the first leach(lets say 20grams) i do a second purification and i obtain a very good quality gold(99,2) but the 20grams of gold powder becomes 15,16 grams and leaves 3 or 4grams of this dificult powder which as i told before have gold locked in it
thanks and regards
dear friends--yesterday i only had time to pass the locked powder in the cyanide solution(gold stripper)----the result was 4% silver by weight-----the cyanide solution did not unlock the gold from the powder but it showed that the powder contains agcl as Oz mentioned---on monday i will continue with Harolds recomendations
thanks for the moment


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