Hi I'm new here and I have a lot of questions about refining gold concentrates in your own furnace. Any recommendations? I found one at Lost And Foundry that is only a few hundred dollars. I have a flux recipie using 5 parts Borax, 20 parts Sodium Nitrate, 10 parts sodium carbonate and 40 parts sand. I would rather not use harsh chemicals or mercury at all and this seems the best solution. I have a couple of sample pounds of what I assume to be gold concentrates from very fine sandy sediments laid down durning heavy spring runoff but I certainly could be wrong. I'm certain it isn't Iron pyrite since I gave it the acid test, it doesn't "glitter" and doesn't crumble when pressure is applied., but it COULD be mica in there instead! Sure LOOKS like the gold dust I saw as a kid. Should I soak them in vinegar first? Do I need to roast them at all since I will presumably be burning off the sulphides in the furnace? I intend to use an acetylene torch on a small crucible sample first just to make sure there is gold before purchasing the furnace. Does this sound like a plan and what am I overlooking. Any tips would be appreciated