Gold Monosulfide

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Well-known member
Apr 11, 2009
I just read an article published in the California Mining Journal/December 1990 concerning the problem of the formation of gold monosulfide and how dificult it is to deal with it using "standard precipitaton practices." I searched the forum and did not come up with any references to gold monosulfide. I have been using using the AP process with success and am now wondering how much gold may be trapped in my "spent" acid. Any comments from the forum?

Was that written by a guy named Walter Lasley (I think that's right), from Utah? If so, that guy was into things like "immature gold" and other alchemical BS. You've got to be careful with what he says.
Not him...Ron Graefe & George Haywood with Pyramid Industries are listed as authors.

We probably have copyright issues with that....

I need to contact ICMJ about renewing my subscription and will talk to them about getting permission to post it.

I talked to Sally today at "ICMJ's Prospecting and Mining Journal" the present title for the above mentioned "California Mining Journal." They would not give me permission to put the article online...they do however have back issues for sale. She said at some point the December 1990 issue will be online with access to magazine subscribers. You can contact Sally at if you wish to purchase a copy of the issue.


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