gold ore

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New member
Mar 17, 2013
i recently found a deposit with alot of micron gold i can clearly see with 60 times micro scope i crushed up a small sample (about 2 inch piece) and treated with aqua regia i got in gold testing kit i let sit over night and then poured into 4 inch beaker through cofee filter then i forgot about it for weeks, when i looked at it again i had about a milla miter of yellow crystals across the bottom when i looked at it through the scope it looked like gold with a few black specks (silver? ) I would like to process with chlorine witch dvd woul be the best for me and any help would be apprieciated
Did you test the solution with stannous chloride?

Not everything that's yellow is gold.

Because you used AR, any silver that may have been present would NOT appear as metallic silver. It most likely would have been converted to silver chloride, either by the dissolution process, or by being in contact with the resulting solution, assuming you really do have gold.

I'm afraid you're going to have to provide more information before anything of value could come from your question. Testing with stannous chloride, alone, would have yielded the most important thing you hope to learn---that you do or do not have gold.


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