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I will be aware of this and you are welcome to pm me, if this happens (in your opinion) again. If what you say is the case, it's a no go and it is not in my intention. I hope, that you just got this impression by accidentally having read only those threads, in which my comments match to your impression.

I still can't see it is the case in this thread. If not, this critic is posted in the wrong thread.

I take this critic very serious from a elder member. I am open for critic and willing to use it, but this critic comes late, too late and it comes publicly. If I don't read anything else, I take this critic as the general opinion of all members and I seclude myself from this forum.

I have read this thread again and again, trying to find, where I went wrong. There is nothing wrong.

I showed, I tried to switch to personal mail, so the public forum can run smooth again, which he refused. I begged for telling me, what I wrote in this thread, that is misleading, - he didn't. After I signalized two times, that I would like to continue this in personal mails and after I signalized more than three times, that I am willing to take the critic, he continues flaming me:

If You have trouble accepting criticism about keeping posts related to ""Acceptable Practices"" on the forum and not suggesting less than acceptable practices their are no issues.
But for some reason YOU have decided to defend your right to mislead and\or post drivel as your last few posts clearly show.

edited to remove a comment that might escalate this since he doesn't want to let it go.

For me this is a sad story. But I thank for this experience to feel cybermobbed. It sound childish to many, but there is a man behind this nickname, family father, a brother, a child, a upright citizen who wants to do good, who didn't sleep this night and whose stomach is aking, when he thinks about, what went wrong. It is a good experience, I can use this for my daily work.

Another thing, I got aware of a silent majority. Though I got one friendly personal mail not to listen to one member, unless it is noxx, a mod or harold, - thank you for this. Wise words, but I am not wise, but sometimes too emotional. Back to this silent majority,...if I should be right saying here has happened unjustice, only if, then you have just participated by your silence.
I wanted to say that I don't have any problem with your posts Solar, I didn't see anything in your post (or your other posts) that justifies " nite's "
I am new here, and have lots to learn from all of you, I also think that this kind of problems should be in private as much as possible.
Have a nice day and I go on reading some more posts

Ok, guys. Enough steam has been let off.

solar_plasma ---- niteliteone

No more shots at one another. Not even by PM---that's not what it's for. If you two can't enjoy a polite exchange, simply ignore one another. After all, none of us like everyone we meet.

Lets leave this issue behind us and get back to the point of the forum---refining.

It's difficult for folks when dealing with those from different cultures. Something said in one country may be perfectly harmless, yet quite offensive to someone elsewhere. Lets try to keep that in mind as we read posts from foreign lands (this applies to everyone).

I just read this post, and was surprised by what I just read,from these two good members, then I get to page two and see where Harold so eloquently set the stage for resolution to what seems to me misunderstanding or emotion gone wild.

I must say I have read almost all posts on the forum and many times I do not understand much of what I read, some chemist have a way of saying things that I have a hard time understanding, some people say things in a way I have a hard time understanding, or when people from other country's translate their message some things get lost in translation, some people have a way of saying things that can easily be misunderstood, I have lived with the same woman 38 years and many times we still misunderstand each other. :lol:

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