AKDan said:
Hoke even mentions the use of HF. On page 182 it is suggested as the method of removing sand, enamel, porcelain and glass from platinum filings or iridium powder.
Sadly, she also recommended tossing on a generous amount of gasoline when incinerating. I surely wouldn't support her with that recommendation, either. I have a lot of faith in her book, but keep in mind that it was written when few, if any, regulations prevented people from being stupid.
Better to educate in the proper function of any device, substance or item rather than to make it a boogy man in the closet. The fools of the world will obtain and abuse what they will, no matter what the warning or advice.
The very reason I intend to leave the post with the recommendation. Readers may become aware, but they will not get encouragement from those of us that understand the unnecessary dangers involved. I want evidence presented that those of us on the board that advise are advising against it. This isn't strictly about handing out information that may or may not be useful, it's about giving a recommendation that isn't necessary, and has a high risk of harm.
Those with a more legitamate uses will benefit more from the education than from the stop signs, and will obtain and use if there is a need anyway. I hear the same junk about guns all the time too. A tool is a tool, and the only difference is in the use.
I agree, but fools will interpret the suggestion as something that could benefit them in some way, get harmed, then attempt to hold everyone but themselves responsible. I refuse to place myself, or Noxx, in that position. I do not endorse any process that is high risk, and serves no useful purpose, particularly when there are alternate courses of action that offer no risks at all. We are not here to temp idiots, we're here to, hopefully, provide information that is practical and useful for those that enjoy recovering precious metals. Damned few, if any, need worry about a "method of removing sand, enamel, porcelain and glass from platinum filings or iridium powder" These are not elements that the vast majority will encounter, and few of them will deal with filings, anyway. I refined for well over 20 years, and used HF for one reason and one reason only------and that was a rarity. I used it to pickle platinum buttons, in a small platinum dish. It is safe to say that in all my years of refining, I used a grand total of a couple fluid ounces, and I refined on a regular basis, 7/24/365.
We have to be a bit careful on this forum to not provide instructions that are obviously unnecessary----and can prove to be quite harmful. Working with HF is one of the things that we don't need, and should not promote. Those that feel they need it can go elsewhere for their knowledge. Here, they are advised to not use it. If they are child enough to not follow good and proper advice, I sure as hell don't want to advise them to use HF for any reason. I think I speak for at least one of the other moderators in that regard, and perhaps both of them. GSP has an attitude about HF such that he won't even mention it by name. He's a well educated and experienced refiner. There's a message in that for anyone with brains.