gold refining

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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2011
looking to get into making a few bars of gold..on goldfilled 1000 gr how much should i yeild in real gold.. how much borax should be used and what is the flux for does it go inside the mold new to this hope yall can help me thanks
ms32462 said:
looking to get into making a few bars of gold..on goldfilled 1000 gr how much should i yeild in real gold.. how much borax should be used and what is the flux for does it go inside the mold new to this hope yall can help me thanks
If my math is correct, 1000 grams of 1/40 10K Gold Filled could possibly yield as much as .41 grams of pure gold or about $20.46 at today's spot. You came to the right place to learn how to do it.

My math was wrong. It should read 10.41 grams or $519.15
Thank you etack :)
Forget about flux and borax.
Start with this:
ms32462 :

" how much should i yield in real gold "

Can't help you their, I'm just a rookie myself, but I do know all that you ask has been discussed here more than once.

" how much borax should be used "

From what I have read here on the forum:
For gold, no more than it takes to give the entire inside surface of your melting dish a thin glasslike glaze coating of borax.

" what is the flux for "

From what I have read here on the forum:
That would be so your gold is all rollie pollee and collects into a nice little puddle and not leave little bits scattered all over the dish. If You were to pour from a dish with no flux, some gold would remain stuck to the dish and refuse to fallow the rest of the puddle.
The flux also has the benefit of collecting some of the oxides formed that may come from any remaining contaminates in your melt or in your gold.

" does it go inside the mold "

From what I have read here on the forum:
You should flux the melting dish and soot the mold. You weren't going to melt your gold in the mold were you? If you was to flux your mold and melt your gold right in the mold you will not get your gold out of the mold , and you will shorten the life of your mold also.

Melt your gold in a properly prepared melting dish and pore it to a properly prepared mold.

I'm just a rookie hobbie refiner, and I'm afraid the only real help I can give you here is to recommend you spend some time reading the great GRF and all that it has to offer. From the Pro's and the Hobbie Refiners alike, ,you'll not find any better information anywhere.

Read, Read and Read some more till your eyes bleed. It's all right here.
