Gold yields in mixed chips (complete process)

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patnor1011 said:
I mentioned it many times. Too many that I really do not want to do it again.
I absolutely do not recommend AR on incinerated material. Proper separation and water wash is a must.
People still try to fight with notion that recovery is about patience.
You think you are going to save time by going straight to AR only to waste much more time trying to wash AR with values from powdered ash and carbon. You will spend hours washing dissolved values from the same ash you could easily remove with just water.
Whoever like to waste money and time can go to straight AR.
Smart person will do his work in proper fashion reducing costs and maximizing values.

This process is for backyard refiner and big boys use completely different. For that one we lack equipment and we will never have it or replicate it unless investing hundreds of thousands.
And again, it is all there in my thread, many discussion on exactly the same questions you are asking. If you were reading it you would know.
Thank You Patnor. If You want to help, tell me please what is in Your opinion the best thing I can do right now. I have 1.2 kilograms of incinerated chips (not incinerated to red, but enough for smashing it with hammer), smashed with hammer, I removed the legs from about 30 percents. The only reason I am trying to process it with AR is because one my friend told me that thats the way he do and that it works. I have a plenty of time I am not trying to save the time. I thought that a little experimenting while learning is not a bad way to get some experience. Thank You again for helping.
I think we all explained it a few times here

Remove the ash and concentrate your material, some chips just will not ash like others. I put those aside to figure out another day. Then after your left with maybe 5% of what you started with and the water is no longer cloudy with ash you can decant and start acid leaching. If you don't remove the ash your acid leach is not going to work well.
joubjonn said:
I think we all explained it a few times here

Remove the ash and concentrate your material, some chips just will not ash like others. I put those aside to figure out another day. Then after your left with maybe 5% of what you started with and the water is no longer cloudy with ash you can decant and start acid leaching. If you don't remove the ash your acid leach is not going to work well.
I removed the ash but there is a lot more black particles, the ash that goes with water was about 5%, I've panned it a 10 times minimum until all water was clear. How to remove it until I get a minimum material with gold wires?
At this point (as long as your water is clear). I do a nitric soak. Add water to the top
Of the concentrate and then a few ml of nitric. Heat this solution. It will probably take a while and a lot of stirring. Maybe an hour or two. Depends on how much copper your working with. I wouldn't do a 50/50 water/nitric soak because your material is mostly non-metal. After this rinse the material a few times and do another incineration and then remove the ash again. At this point you should have reduced your volume again. Then do an AR leach. It would be best to dump all of your material in a fiberglass plugged funnel after the AR leech and spray the material so it can gravity filter down and get most of the AR liquid through. You will loose some gold, but it won't be much, not really a whole lot you can do about it. That's why the big boys would just take tons of these chips and melt them all down at once into a bar. And then refine from that point but we can't do that.
joubjonn said:
At this point (as long as your water is clear). I do a nitric soak. Add water to the top
Of the concentrate and then a few ml of nitric. Heat this solution. It will probably take a while and a lot of stirring. Maybe an hour or two. Depends on how much copper your working with. I wouldn't do a 50/50 water/nitric soak because your material is mostly non-metal. After this rinse the material a few times and do another incineration and then remove the ash again. At this point you should have reduced your volume again. Then do an AR leach. It would be best to dump all of your material in a fiberglass plugged funnel after the AR leech and spray the material so it can gravity filter down and get most of the AR liquid through. You will loose some gold, but it won't be much, not really a whole lot you can do about it. That's why the big boys would just take tons of these chips and melt them all down at once into a bar. And then refine from that point but we can't do that.
Thank You very much Dannlee, You helped me a lot. What are Your average gold yield in chips per 1kg of mixed chips? One guy said that he crush the chips in powder (without incinerating) in coffee grinder and then continue in extraction, is it possible?
If there is still a lot of black stuff then the incineration isn't finished. Chips should be incinerated until the core is white too, all the way in to the chip. This will take quite a long time, it's hard for oxygen to reach all the way through the ash to the remaining core. It isn't enough just to get the chip glowing red, you must keep the temperature there for quite some time.
Blowing air or oxygen onto it helps. Spreading it out thin also help.

You now have crushed chips with a lot of carbon, I would incinerate it again while stirring the mixture to let air reach every part of it.

Thank You Goran!

The picture No.1 is AR solution (of a sample) after 24 hours, picture No.2 is what was left inside after decanting, and after 3 times boil in water, 3 times HCl, 3 times water again, there was left nothing inside, or barely to see even with microscope. So the test failed, maybe because I put so little gold inside or because I didn't neutralize base metals before that with nitric.1.jpg2.jpg
Hi Patnor

Possibly as low as 0.5g from the whole batch mentioned in the OP? Is that correct as there was nearly 1Kg of chips from RAM cards alone.


I must admit that this is a much harder task than I thought. I will start collecting chips for my second attempt, I will be much better prepared for that.

And for this what I have now I am gonna do fallowing:
1. Put everything through sieve and washing in water until water is clear
2. The ashes that were in the water will be hammered again to make more dust
3. I will repeat step 1 and 2 until the most part of it dissolves in water and cleaned

Then I will see what I will have, I think this is best solution right now considering I still don't have gas torch.
Next time I will attempt to incinerate them I will have gas torch and I think there will be much more ashes and small particles that will go with water.

I forgot to mention that after clearing ashes with water I will collect magnetic parts with magnet. Does anybody know is this material worth of processing and in case it is, which method is the best?
1. picture is one idea I get, after some time of water dropping and casual mixing, the water drained off all light particles
2. after little panning this is what I get
3. picture is all that remains from all ashes of 1.2 kg

I removed all magnetic wires and I keep them in separate jar.

My plan is to first mix this with a little nitric to get rid of base metals.WP_002465.jpgWP_002473.jpgWP_002478.jpg
Hi !
I've found this thread interesting in my Tourette's sort of way. I had to mension it! every time I check in on this thread I keep seeing a little video in my head in which I have just bought an airplane and I'm at the field with the engine running and Patnor keeps telling me to read the instructions and walk into the office and tell them I wan't some flight training and I keep telling him that I'm just gonna try it out to see if it work! Just a few miles and I'll be right back! Pat!
The video is really funny! artart47
Do not decant the ashes down the drain! Use a large bucket to save all the gold containing ashes, you are washing out of your "concentrate". Then, when you finally have satisfied your lust on quick useless adventures, you can still recover your values later and process them, when have learned how to do it.
artart47 said:
Hi !
I've found this thread interesting in my Tourette's sort of way. I had to mension it! every time I check in on this thread I keep seeing a little video in my head in which I have just bought an airplane and I'm at the field with the engine running and Patnor keeps telling me to read the instructions and walk into the office and tell them I wan't some flight training and I keep telling him that I'm just gonna try it out to see if it work! Just a few miles and I'll be right back! Pat!
The video is really funny! artart47
Thats a very funny video. :lol: You have right, all of You. I am rushing with experiments, and I haven't prepared my self well to finish it. I will sacrifice this amount of chips and bring this experiment to the end like I said, right now I am removing base metals with nitric, then I will wash it with water and treat it with AR. I am just so curious I must do this, if I manage to obtain 0.1 gram of gold I will be more than happy. It will give me even more inspiration to learn and progress. I know its a bit weird that I am so persistent about this, but believe me I learned a lot with all of this. In a meanwhile I am collecting even more chips for the next time I decide to extract gold, and that will be when I read all the forum about chips and specially Patnor's topic about chips. I will get all necessary equipment and I will do this right next time.

I have some issues processing ashes, using gravity separation methods to produce the concentrate, please advise can we treat the ashes like jewlery sweeps? Using lithrage and flux to collect majorty of PMs inside the ashes? I am going to follow 4metals post regarding using a flux for sweeps.

The use of a gold pan while ridding ash is a must. It takes hours but then you will know your loosing gold. With that, I use a little bit of dish soap in the water/concentrate to help with the floaters
Don't understand why people feel the need to beat a dead horse, this post is completely uncalled for. All the questions you've asked have been answered in patnor's post on this very topic. If there is something new to be gained here that would make the process better, all the more reason to post in patnor's thread and continue the learning there while keeping things organized.
Me and others told him several times to go through my thread, all his questions can be answered by just reading that one, plus few other threads which are linked from there.
He simply refuse to do so, and keep asking things which are explained there.
I spent nearly year going through forum and literature before I decided to move on to actual refining which served me well, I recovered all my gold with ease. On the other hand his approach only cost him money. If that is a way he decided is better for him then so be it, it is his money he flush down the drain.
I have no more to say in this thread.
I got 0.3 grams of gold (without washing, I will post result after washing). 1st image is AR solution. 2nd image is AR after 24 hours, 3rd and 4th image is dust. I am satisfied, at least I did something. I have remaining of about 200 grams of bigger particles that didn't went through sieve and a 10-20 grams of magnetic particles that I removed with magnet. 1.jpg2.jpg3.jpg4.jpg

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