solder mask removal not working

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Hello everyone
I will first start with the fact that the little dots in the trace of a pcb is worthless compare to keyboards I had done previously

2nd I also understand how difficult it is to remove solder mask if you're not ready to refine gold it's an absolute mess I would not like it to sit in a bottle where you could see my, crap ygold even if it is only recoverd
PS why did someone change?


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Steve the man
When I look at the title of my post the first message is gold
I figured maybe the title in the help section was some sort of infringement of rights is that even a word as it maybe somebody took the name over?

I'll go look at it again I hope this is in another 1 of my hallucinations
Thanks steyr223
Ok Let me see if I can get this right I had to a re log in to all gone 6 times to make this post
the title in the help needed and both pages of my post gold
the first 3 posts in the first page and the second third and fourth post in the second page
all the rest say gold
Your eyes are not playing tricks on you, I altered the title of the first post to reflect my correct web site address. The posts that were made before I made the change all automatically got the old title from the thread, any new posts have the new title.

Now I'll fix them all:

Wait for it....poof!! :lol:

Poof I am. glad your recovery & refineing skills are much better than your magic
5 or 6th one on first page by geo :lol:
so what do you make of the pic Steve. This is the first time I had PCB. Fibers in my mix I only had boards. In AP for. '36 hrs.all gold was still In place untill I sprayed
PS by the way after all that I've tried In implementing a method for my situation I went back to the 5 gallon bucket with i :shock: a lid
you can still reclaim the gold out of that stuff even with all the trash. dissolve it just like you would clean foils and filter the trash out.
:lol: dissolve = put into solution. use hcl/cl method on the gold/trash (it shouldnt take much Cl) if you see any flakes before you filter add a little more Cl. let the solution sit for night and add enough water to double the volume and precipitate gold with SMB.
right agree but thats refining not filtering
i had always thought that it was more of a filtering method
it seems so simple dissolve base metals keep gold-dissolve gold
keep solution oops keep everything :lol: sorry harold :shock:
i will say it again in, i believe in harolds words. it is not in
reinventing the wheel thats shows genius but following step by step procedure that is proven to work that is
steyr223 8) 8)
Hello everybody. I am brand new to this forum and this is the first forum I have ever joined. First forum post ever. Don't really know how to post properly. My name is Luke, I am 30 years old and I live in Paris Tn. I work at a local recycling center and I have nearly unlimited axcess to electronics and computers. People just bring them to us and we ship them off by the truck load. It hit me about 2 weeks ago that I should try to get some this (gold stuff) that people say are on the ram stick fingers and cpu's. I also have about 2 gallons of Nitric acid 69-71% that was brought to us to dispose of as ( Hazardous Waste) and other acids as well. After some reading on this forum, my jaw dropped as to what was right in front of me just for free for the taking. I am reading Hoke as I was advised on this forum to do. I am a certified automotive technician, No brag just telling about me. I have spent nearly all nights since my moment reading and experimenting. As I read this forum I notice not much is said about successfully removing the solder mask material, or green stuff on the boards. I want to start my new experience to this forum by stating some useful info that I found out. There is a product called RED HOT STRIPPER that removes all coatings from pcbs. I found it (experimenting) because I had a wide axcess to many chemicals donated to where I work. It took about 2 days of soaking and all the coatings washed away with water and none of the metal seemed to be harmed. I am planning to become very serious with my new found hobby and will do all reading before asking any questions. I hope I have made a small contribution to the forum by sharing my little learned humble knowledge. Thanks to everyone for all the great post and wisdom to this forum. Please welcome the green horn who is dripping wet behind the ears.

Welcome to the forum, my advice would be to forget about using the chemicals for the time being, keep up your study with Hokes book, and reading the forum, the safety section is a must, and the topic there dealing with waste. Take the guided tour of the forum, and searching...

After you get some basic understanding, and the principles involved in recovery and refining, and you understanding of the dangers and safety procedures, and understand how to properly deal with waste, then work on the experiments in Hokes book, these will be extremely helpful in understanding many of the reactions involved.

Then start with simple processes, on an easier material to deal with, study the recovery of gold from memory fingers, and then study the refining of that gold, you can use this with what your learning with Hokes book, and the getting acquainted experiments, and learning to test solutions...

This may sound like a slow way to learn, and to get that gold, but in fact the time you spend to get the education needed first, and the understanding, will put you way ahead in the long run. Starting with chemicals before you gain an education will only delay your progress, and you will most likely put yourself and others in harms way while you lose your gold in these toxic solutions, not knowing where your gold went or the dangers you have created for yourself and others.

Welcome to this wonderful forum, where education can be rewarding, and where the education of recovery and refining of precious metals has been freely shared, a gift that man throughout history have wanted, but very few were ever lucky enough to gain, throughout history this science and art was held in secrecy or made into a mystery, to hide this art and skill from others, the education is where the gold is or other valuable metals), educating yourself helps you to acquire some of that precious metal, and to recovery and purify them, basically giving some metals to show for that valuable education you will work so hard to earn.
Thankyou butcher for the advise. I will do much and vast research and reading before proceeding. It seems as all info is available and all questions are seemingly answered with just researching. Thank you for your response, Luke
Uh, if anyone does an online search for this stuff, like I did, make sure you have the safe search filter on.... :oops:

"Red Hot Stripper" seems t be a popular web search
I think you will find that treasure, (many treasures) as you go along with your study, You have the treasure map here, keep on track and enjoy finding your way to those gold bars.

Claudie, I am laughing to hard to comment.
In the interst of saving Claudie's virgin eyes...
Lol. I didn't think about the other search results that RED HOT STRIPPER could yield. If You want to check it out it is made by Harvard Chemical Research Inc. Thanks again. Luke

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