Got my Brown sludge, Now what..??..

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Following Steve's instructional videos, I have produced my first batch of brown goo, Well it is a little more solid than goo so I will call it muck. Anyway in reading I see people mix in Boric Acid when they melt it. What is the purpose of this and in what ratio do I mix it in?
Do I add it before melting in my furnace or as the gold melts?
Oh as far as boric Acid, is the powdered form, the mule team stuff, adequate?
One final question, SMB, I kinda just mixed it into the Distilled water until it was a saturated solution, Does anyone have a good grams/mL mixing ratio?
Thank You in advance for your help,
Hi Jason!
Like Steve says, go to that link & wash the powder as is says, otherwise you really are going to end up witha muck stuck to your pot. :roll: ugly!

As to the SMB, as a rule of thumb, if you expect say 10gm of gold, add 10gm
of SMB. I add a couple extra grams. After gold drops, let solution sit for 30 min or so, then check with stannous test. If it show +, add some more SMB. Follow this step until Stannous test is -. Add it dry, you don't have to diluted, only if you want to.

And again, follow the washing that steve's posted.

Have fun!

Thanx Phil and Steve,
Saw and read Steve's rinsing thread, and c/w it, my wife was thrilled by the smell of boiling HCL in the house....But i guess since it should be super pure gold no need for Boric Acid, I will melt in the very near future and post pix of my first refining experiment. THank you everyone for your help!
Please tell me you are kidding about cooking this in the house. :shock:

Crazy talk like that isn't a subject that should be open to jokes on the forum. Anyone reading this may get the wrong stupid idea. :evil:
Ok so I guess sarcasm and joking not a good idea for people with even less experience than myself.
No everything I do occurs in my back shed, including the warming of stuff on my underpowered hotplates. And yes I do use a respirator, goggles and gloves. I am an Air Force Maintenance person and very familiar with how to work around Hazardous Materials. I even went so far as to print out MSDS from a program we have at work, made a binder, and showed the wife(and hi-lighted) where all the emergency #'s are on each sheet. I figure refining gold is pointless if I blow myself up and can't enjoy it.
Thanks again to the helpful folks and my bad for nearly giving other concerned forum goers a coranary.
qst42know said:
Please keep in mind we have minors that read here. One ambitious kid appears to be 12. 8)

... or 21 ... or 18, depending on which posting you read. And it wasn't he that wrote it, it was a friend that used his computer....

I've stopped believe anything that kid, if he is one, says.

g_axelsson said:
qst42know said:
Please keep in mind we have minors that read here. One ambitious kid appears to be 12. 8)

... or 21 ... or 18, depending on which posting you read. And it wasn't he that wrote it, it was a friend that used his computer....

I've stopped believe anything that kid, if he is one, says.


He is 12 and an ambitious kid, he is ok to deal with. But please watch out for his safety. I feel he is trying to get his hands on some material to process himself.

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